
Avoid dental problems with poor oral hygiene

People who maintain a good oral hygiene program can prevent dental conditions such as gum disease, cavities and tooth loss in the future says a Dentist in Dubai.  However, it is evident that maintaining good oral hygiene is a global health challenge, and educating people on the prevention and problems resulting in poor oral hygiene is providing to be increasingly difficult.

The Dubai Dentistry has stressed the need for a good oral care regime from an early age. It is important for dentists, hygienists and specialists, to do their part and ensure that patient’s get the best possible care and commitment to eradicate diseases associated with poor oral hygiene, such as gum disease. Most Dental Clinics in Dubai offer a variety dental care in Dubai including prevention and treatment of oral disease with specific advice on, prevention, nutrition, use of fluoride, pit and fissure sealants and teeth bleaching and other procedures.

A leading general dentist in Dubai identified poor education on oral care facilities, lack of facilities, negligence and ignorance of a good oral care regime, cultural habits, motivation to look after teeth, lack of up to date knowledge of treatment and prevention by health care practitioners who do not have access to regular training as contributing factors to poor oral care.

Some of the best ways to create awareness to good oral hygiene and especially among children is the use of good oral hygiene tips displayed in schools, mobile oral health checks, introduction of dental hygiene apps and online education using fun games for children, using children’s role models, icons and heroes, to promote good oral health, cards of icons via any media, a reminder system for regular dental checkups and keeping appointments have been identified as very effective methods in reaching the younger generation to follow a good oral care routine.

The system is very unlikely to hit home with the older generation who are set in their ways and not always flexible to modern approaches and promotional campaigns. However, the rationale for this is that when children are taught to take responsibility for something and make it a part of themselves, the adults are forced to accept it and modify their conduct.

In order to maintain good oral health it should be practiced along with a good diet consisting of a healthy food and nutrition is important. The consumption of sugar based food and fizzy drinks are the main culprits and should be eliminated from one’s diet. With children, eliminating sugar completely from their diet is impossible, therefore parent’s should make sure that sugar and sweets are eaten before a main meal or the child brushes and flosses immediately after consuming sugar or sugar based food.

However, having a good oral care regime is not enough to ensure good oral hygiene, regular visits to your dentist is also important to treat problems with oral health, children may need to visit the dentists at least twice a year and adults will need to do the same unless specified by the dentist.

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