
When are dental extractions needed?

They are necessary when a tooth is:

  1. Severely decayed.
  2. Damaged beyond repair.
  3. Infected.

Causing crowding issues

Additionally, impacted wisdom teeth often require extraction to prevent complications such as pain, infection, or damage to adjacent teeth.Dental extractions may also be part of orthodontic treatment plans to create space for proper teeth alignment.


At Amdc in Dubai, our team will conduct a thorough examination of your teeth and oral health. We utilize advanced diagnostic tools, such as digital X-rays, to assess the condition of the affected tooth and surrounding structures.

During the procedure:

We understand that dental extractions can cause anxiety for some patients. Our compassionate team is here to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure. We use local anesthesia to numb the area and minimize any discomfort. For patients who experience dental anxiety, we also offer sedation options to help you relax during the extraction.

General after care instructions to promote healing:

 1. Biting gently on the gauze provided by your dentist to help stop bleeding.
2.Applying ice packs near the extraction site to reduce swelling and discomfort.
3.Taking prescribed medications and antibiotics as directed by our doctors at Amdc to manage pain.
4.Sticking to a diet of soft foods such as yogurt, mashed potatoes, soups, and smoothies for the first few days after extraction.
5.Attending follow-up appointments to ensure proper healing and address any concerns.
Our team  will be there every step of the way to ensure your well-being after dental extractions. We provide comprehensive post-operative care and support to make sure you’re healing quickly !

The reason for the extraction will greatly influence the level of discomfort you may experience after the procedure. When a tooth needs to be extracted for periodontal reasons, there will be reduced bone support, making it easier to remove the tooth compared to a situation where there is full bone support. In this case, there may be decreased discomfort after the extraction. An impacted tooth refers to a tooth that has not fully emerged into the oral cavity. The impacted tooth can be completely surrounded by bone (full bony impaction), partially surrounded by bone (partial bony impaction), or only surrounded by soft gum tissue (soft tissue impaction). Wisdom teeth are not the only teeth that can become impacted. Any permanent tooth can be impacted. If the impact does not seem to affect neighboring teeth, no treatment may be required. However, if it affects other teeth, it may need to be removed.


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