June 13, 2019 by wtadmin 0 Comments

5 Ways to Keep Your Teeth White at Your Home

Our lifestyle means that we don’t all have the whitest of teeth, although a dentist in Dubai can fix that for you. Most adults drink a lot of coffee or tea, causing grey or yellowing teeth. Very often we don’t care for our teeth when we are younger which leads to discoloured teeth when we are older Genetics plays a large part and some of us are disposed to having discoloured teeth. And our diets are often responsible for our tooth discolouration too.
Teeth whitening is a big thing, although it can be time consuming or costly. The cheapest dental implants in Dubai are done at the AMDC, although there are several other cost effective methods too.

Dentists in Dubai

Having your teeth whitened is pretty ‘ordinary’ these days. In the same way that people have their hair cut, their teeth straightened, go to yoga or the gym, and look after their skin, people are looking after their teeth. There are many teeth whitening products that can be used at home, safely and effectively, although most people choose to go to the dentist for teeth whitening. Technology is so advanced today that it is easy and to go to the dentist, as well as being inexpensive, but some people still prefer to do their own teeth at home.

Here are our top ways for you to keep your teeth white at home:-

1. Buy a Home Teeth Whitening Kit:

There are many home teeth whitening kits on the market. Read the instructions carefully, and follow them exactly. Home kits do work, although they can be a little messy. The beauty of having your teeth whitened by a professional is that they deal with everything from A-B, while you lay back comfortably in the chair. But you can do it at home, just read, follow the instructions and you too could have that beautiful smile.

Dentist Dubai

2. Pull with Coconut Oil:

This is an interesting way to whiten your teeth, and it is a way that many naturopaths and homeopaths recommend. Oil pulling has been practiced in India for centuries, as a way of cleaning the teeth, improving overall oral hygiene and, as a way to cleanse the body and remove toxins. You should use good, pure, organic coconut oil. Generally, you use a teaspoon of the oil, swish it around in your mouth for a good twenty minutes, and then spit it out. If you are going to do this, read up on it beforehand so you know exactly what you are doing.

3. Bicarbonate of Soda:

Good old bicarb! So many people swear by this, although we are unsure about how long it takes to see your teeth getting whiter, and how long it lasts. Most of the toothpaste has a bit of baking soda or bicarbonate of soda in them. Brush with a little bicarb, twice daily, and see the difference. Spit it out after brushing as bicarb does not taste that good.

Dental Clinic in Dubai

4. Apple Cider Vinegar:

There are many natural benefits to apple cider vinegar, and teeth whitening is one of them. It’s best used as a mouthwash, diluted in water. You need to gargle with the solution, and then swish it around your mouth. You may brush your teeth with the solution too. Like bicarb, the whitening effects may take a bit of time, and may not last for long, but overall, apple cider vinegar is good for cleansing and general oral health.

5. Eat the Right Fruits and Vegetables:

Eat those apples and crispy fruit and vegetables whenever you can. This is a good one for your children too, as they are probably too young to do the coconut oil pulling, or to be using bicarb of soda or apple cider vinegar. Again, we are not a hundred percent sure if this will make adult teeth whiter, but it will certainly make you overall healthier!

fruits and vegetables

In the past, home remedies have include hydrogen peroxide but if you chat to a dentist in Dubai, they will tell you NOT to do this at home. The dangers outweigh the benefits and you need to know exactly what you are doing and not to use the wrong concentration.

The truth is, the most beneficial teeth whitening methods are done by a dentist who specialized in teeth whitening. There are many methods, and you can chat to your dentist in Dubai about the best method for you. The American Medical and Dental Centre offer laser teeth whitening, Zoom teeth whitening, porcelain veneers and dental implants, amongst other methods. The cheapest dental implants in Dubai are at the American Medical and Dental Centre, and your dentist will let you know if they are suggested for you.

Healthy diet

Think about if you want to go the home route, as your dentist will also give you advice on the best home teeth whitening kits to buy. At the AMDC, they sell teeth whitening home kits, but only the very good ones! Chat to your dentist in Dubai, get your teeth white and shining, and grow in confidence with a fabulous smile.

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