February 3, 2023 by wtadmin 0 Comments

10 Things to Know Before Getting Porcelain Veneers

First thing that comes to your mind when you hear veneers is a beautiful Hollywood smile.

But your best dentist in Dubai will tell you that veneers are so much more than a cosmetic procedure to help you gain some confidence. Even though they help greatly with self-esteem, a dentist in Dubai will inform you about how  veneers contribute to your overall oral health as well. If you are not smiling because you do not like your teeth, visiting a dental clinic in Dubai and doing veneers in Dubai might just be what you need to smile confidently again.

Updating your smile at the dental clinic in Dubai and having veneers in Dubai done by the best dentist in Dubai will be the very reason for you showing your gorgeous smile again. We all know that first impressions are everything and flashing that perfect smile will make your encounters memorable. One of the first things people notice when meeting someone is their smile, and you certainly do not want to leave a bad impression. So stopping by a dental clinic in Dubai and having a thorough checkup with a dentist in Dubai can be a first step towards a big beautiful smile. 

What Are Porcelain Veneers? 

If you want to know everything about porcelain veneers , visiting a dental clinic in Dubai and talking to the best dentist in Dubai will give all the answers you need in order for you to understand what veneers are, how they work, the procedure of getting veneers etc. 

Dental veneers are thin covers put on the front of your teeth. A dentist in Dubai adheres those thin covers to your teeth to give them a better look. 


What Are Veneers Used for? 

A dentist in Dubai might recommend you to have veneers done if you have some of the following dental issues:

  • Broken or chipped teeth
  • Teeth discoloration
  • Small or uneven teeth
  • Gaps or crooked teeth
  • Old restorations or fillings
  • Bite issues
  • Crowding

Having a checkup with the best dentist in Dubai will help you become familiar with the procedure and realize if you are a candidate for getting veneers. 


If you are uncertain here we bring  ten things to know before getting veneers:


  • It is a cosmetic procedure

Getting porcelain veneers is considered to be a cosmetic procedure, hence it is not covered by insurance. Checking your dental insurance might be a good thing since veneers can cost a lot. 

  •  It fixes a variety of dental problems 

As already mentioned above, veneers can fix a lot of dental issues such as teeth discoloration, broken or chipped teeth. If you do not like gaps between your teeth  or you find your teeth too small, veneers can fix that as well. Some of the bigger problems veneers can fix are crooked teeth, if you have bite issues or crowded teeth. 

  • Choose color of veneers wisely

That big white Hollywood smile can become a bit too much if you choose whiter teeth than needed. Whiter is not always better. It can look unnatural and leave a totally opposite impression than you wanted to. Choosing a white color that is softer in appearance will give a natural look and a perfect first impression. 

  •  Number of veneers- it’s your choice

You do not have to put veneers on all of your teeth. Some people do the entire mouth, and some do only the front teeth. Your dentist in Dubai will recommend having veneers done in pairs in order to maintain the symmetry and natural look of your smile. 

  • Porcelain veneers are very resistant 

Porcelain veneers proved to be better at resisting stains than other types of veneers. By doing oral hygiene properly your veneers are going to last you a very long time and the chance of them becoming discolored is less likely. 

  • Your natural teeth stay 

When doing veneers you keep your natural teeth. It is not like implants where you remove your existing teeth and replace them.  The veneers get attached to your natural teeth.

  • Veneers do not work for everyone 

There are instances where one is not a candidate for veneers. Some of the situations where veneers won’t work for you are: 

  • If your teeth are too worn down (by grinding) there is a chance veneers can’t properly adhere to your tooth
  • If your teeth gaps are too big. You might require braces, aligners or some other type of orthodontic work first
  • If your teeth are too crowded and your jaw too small, yet again you will need some orthodontic work first and then do the veneers 
  • The process of getting veneers 

Having done any type of procedure you should know how it all works. Choosing the best dentist in Dubai that you feel very comfortable with you can get the answers about any concerns you might have regarding getting the porcelain veneers. Having an extensive examination by a dentist in Dubai is crucial for checking if you are a good candidate and whether you need some work done on your teeth before the veneers. If you happen to need any cavities filled, you need to do that first, and not the other way around. After that your dentist will remove a thin layer of enamel from your teeth, then they will take the mold of your teeth to make veneers. You get to choose shape and color before they are made and permanently placed. On your next visit a dentist in Dubai will adhere veneers on your teeth with bonding glue. This is all done under local anesthetic. 

  • Recovery and maintenance

No matter what procedure you do, it is very important to listen to your dentist  about recovery and post-procedure oral care. After getting veneers done you might feel some sensitiveness or mild soreness. Recovery is pretty quick and painless or with mild discomfort at first. Veneer maintenance is no different to regular teeth maintenance, they require daily brushing, flossing and regular dentist check ups every six months. 

  •  How long do they last? 

If cared for properly, veneers could last you 15-20 years. They don’t last forever but with everyday proper care that can last you a very long time.


Find a good dentist that makes you feel comfortable to do veneers in Dubai. With the best dentist in Dubai you are guaranteed to have all the questions answered and best veneers done for a beautiful smile. 


Keywords: veneers in Dubai, dentist in Dubai, best dentist in Dubai, dental clinic in Dubai. 

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