February 11, 2023 by wtadmin 0 Comments

Wisdom Teeth Removal (Extraction): What to Expect, Recovery and Pain

Wisdom teeth or back molars are the last set of molars to come out. They usually come out between the ages of 17-25, and for some people, they do not come out at all. Having regular  checkups by a good dentist in Dubai or a periodontist in a dental clinic in Dubai will help you with any questions and problems regarding your wisdom teeth as well as any other dental issue you might have. By just googling ‘nearby dental clinic’ you can find a dental clinic in Dubai that will help you with any dental procedures required to help maintain your oral health in the best shape.


Wisdom teeth can make your everyday life really uncomfortable if not removed properly

A good dentist in Dubai or a periodontist Dubai will give you a thorough explanation on why you might need wisdom teeth removal, and what to expect regarding pain and recovery. Visiting a nearby dental clinic in Dubai, you can make your life easier and pain free.

Wisdom teeth extractions are one of the most common oral surgeries, hence a good dentist in Dubai in a dental clinic in Dubai will do a thorough checkup, recommend an X-ray and inform you about any possible issues, procedure itself and what comes after the surgery. 


Reasons to Have Wisdom Teeth Removal

Many people experience pain caused by wisdom teeth. Regular checkups by a good dentist in Dubai or periodontist Dubai will give you a clear picture of what is going on with your wisdom teeth and if or why you might need an extraction


There are several reasons why you might need a wisdom teeth extraction. 

Some of them are:

  • They are impacted 

This means that you have wisdom teeth that have not come out and are stuck in your jaw or gums. This can be very painful. Stopping by a dental clinic in Dubai can be a way out of the pain you have been feeling for a long time. 

  • Your wisdom teeth come in at the wrong angle 

Your wisdom teeth are coming out in a different angle and are not aligning properly with your other teeth. That means they are pressing against other teeth which may cause movement and make your teeth crooked. 

  • No space in your mouth 

Sometimes there’s just no space in your mouth for wisdom teeth to come out. This can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. 

  • You have cavities or gum disease

Because your wisdom teeth are far back, you might not do proper oral hygiene and that can cause cavities on your teeth and contribute to gum diseases.


Wisdom Teeth Removal

After a thorough checkup with a good dentist in Dubai they will inform you of a way of extracting your wisdom teeth. That means you can have  a basic wisdom teeth removal if your wisdom teeth have erupted or you might need surgery to remove wisdom teeth if they are impacted. 


Basic wisdom teeth extraction

If your dentist decides that you need a basic wisdom teeth removal, then they will clean your mouth and numb the area around the wisdom teeth. A  good doctor in Dubai will use special tools to wiggle and loosen the tooth socket, then when the tooth is loosened enough the dentist will  use dental forceps to grab the tooth tightly and pull it out. Once the tooth is out of your mouth the dentist will clean, disinfect and suture shut to heal properly. 

Surgical wisdom teeth extraction 

If your wisdom teeth are impacted they will require surgical extraction. With surgical removal your dentist will prepare your mouth by cleaning them and numbing. Then they will make a small incision in your gums next to the wisdom tooth. Then, they will cut the tooth into small pieces and extract them in small parts. When the last part is removed the area is disinfected and sutured. 


Recovery and Pain

When visiting a nearby dental clinic you will be informed about the recovery and pain you will experience after wisdom teeth removal. A good dentist in Dubai or periodontist Dubai will tell you that the level of pain and recovery time depends on the type of wisdom teeth extraction, whether you had basic or surgical extraction. 

As far as the pain is concerned you will experience it for the first few days, depending on the extraction method. With basic extraction, pain lasts less and with surgical removal it can last for up to a week or even longer if it was a complicated extraction. 

Your recovery process also depends on the type of wisdom teeth removal you had. With basic removal recovery time is a few days, but if you had a complicated surgical extraction, recovery time can be a week or two. You might experience swollen mouth and cheeks, some bruising, stiff or sore jaw and unpleasant taste in your mouth. 


Pain Management

No one wants to be in pain for any reason, so your dentist will recommend taking pain medication and some ice to reduce swelling. Sometimes a dentist might recommend taking antibiotics while you recover to prevent infections while your mouth is still vulnerable to germs. 


Eating Habits After Wisdom Teeth Removal

A dentist in a dental clinic in Dubai will give you instructions on which food to eat and which to avoid during recovery time. Soft food such as soup, mashed potatoes, pudding, and smoothies is recommended. You should definitely avoid hot food because it can burn the extraction area, nuts or seeds because they are hard food and can get stuck and hurt the extraction area as well. 



Dentists should advise you on how to properly take care of your mouth post-extraction and during recovery time as well as your whole body in order to keep the extraction area intact and properly healed. 

You should:

  • Avoid exercise for a few days
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking
  • Use a second pillow to support your head at night
  • Avoid rinsing, spitting or anything else that can dislodge the blood cloth for 24 hours
  • Rinse with mild mouthwash or salt water if not recommended differently by your dentist
  • Brush teeth starting the second day


By just googling ‘nearby dental clinic’ you can get the care you need for a healthy mouth. If you are experiencing pain and discomfort and are in need of wisdom teeth removal do not hesitate to visit a dental clinic in Dubai and have a checkup by a good dentist. They will help you get the relief you need so much.

December 11, 2022 by wtadmin 0 Comments

Dental Care in Senior Age

Elderly people are prone to more dental problems which can affect their overall health much quicker. 

A good dentist in Dubai will inform you about the dangers of poor oral hygiene in senior age: such as gum diseases, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, and oral cancer. 

Encouraging your loved ones in senior age to visit a nearby dental clinic can help them understand and take better care of their teeth. A dental clinic in Dubai can’t stress enough the importance of taking care of your oral health in senior age. Preventing dental problems in elderly people assures them to live a long and happy life. 

A good dentist in Dubai and periodontist in Dubai will inform you about how to take care of your teeth and mouth properly. 


Here we bring you a few tips for dental care in senior age:


  • Regular dentist visits 

Every good dentist in Dubai will firstly recommend regular dental checkups for elderly people. Because people in senior age are more susceptible to illnesses if not treated in time. Regularly visiting a good dental clinic in Dubai will help you maintain good oral health and therefore your overall health. 


  • Brush daily 

Every single top dentist in Dubai is going to explain the importance of brushing your teeth twice a day on a daily basis. Brushing teeth is the first line of defence against bacteria and dental illnesses. Stopping by a nearby dental clinic, you will get needed information about how to brush properly and what kind of toothbrush is best for your teeth. 


  • Floss and rinse with mouthwash 

Even though many would think that people in senior age don’t need flossing or mouthwash, you can’t be further from the truth. Flossing and mouthwash keeps those stubborn food particles away, keeping your teeth clean and healthy. Elderly people have great benefits from flossing and using mouthwash, not only healthy teeth by reducing risk of cavities but also reducing risk of gum disease, which if not treated in time can lead to more serious dental problems. 


  • Take Calcium supplements 

A dental clinic in Dubai with  a periodontist Dubai and a good dentist in Dubai will suggest to seniors to take calcium supplements, as it is very important for our bodies but in senior age we can’t get it enough through food only. Osteoporosis is a common health issue in seniors if not prevented or treated in time. Osteoporosis leads to bone breaking, hence bones around teeth can break and cause serious oral problems.


  • Proper care of dentures, mouthguard or other dental prostheses

A periodontist in Dubai and a good dentist in Dubai should help you with information needed on how to take proper care of your dentures, mouthguard or any dental kind of prostheses. A top dentist in Dubai will make sure that your dentures don’t make you any discomfort. Proper brushing and cleaning, and regular checkups at nearby dental clinic in Dubai is the key for keeping up with good oral health.


  •  Hydration is the key 

Many elderly people have issues with dry mouth due to their age or medication they use regularly. Proper hydration will help you with any dehydration related oral problems. Your good dentist in Dubai will explain the importance of hydration and how it can affect your overall health. Drinking plenty of water will be of a great benefit for your oral health. 


If you are not sure about how to take care of your teeth in senior age, or you have any other questions about your oral health do not hesitate to visit a dental clinic in Dubai where a top dentist in Dubai will help you and guide you on how to care for dental problems in senior age. 


Keywords: good dentist in Dubai, periodontist Dubai, nearby dental clinic, dental clinic in Dubai. 

November 27, 2022 by wtadmin 0 Comments

When Is a Dental Crown Recommended?

Have you ever thought about getting dental crowns but you are not sure if they are for you?

Reaching out to a nearby dental clinic and having a checkup with a good dentist in Dubai can help you decide and get informed about possible solutions for your oral health problems. Finding a good dental clinic in Dubai will be for your benefit, because finding a great periodontist in Dubai and a top dentist in Dubai can make the whole experience of fixing teeth and oral problems much more comfortable. 

Dental crowns are used very regularly by dentists, to help with dental restoration. 

Every good dentist in Dubai and periodontist in Dubai will give you an extensive check up and help come up with the best solution for your problem. A good dental clinic in Dubai should have a variety of options for dental crowns, and a good dentist will provide you with the best possible solution. 

A good dentist in Dubai or a top dentist in Dubai will inform you about the options and reasons why you would need a dental crown.

A good dental clinic in Dubai suggests that there are a few reasons for getting dental crowns, such as:

  • Tooth decay 

A dental crown in this case is used if there is an infection in the tooth or in the gums. A good dentist in Dubai will inform you about the fact that  if it does  not get  treated in time, then the tooth decays and it will require a dental crown to fix the problem. The tooth that has decayed is replaced by various dental crowns. 


  • Tooth chips and cracks 

If you broke or chipped your tooth by accident, a  top dentist in Dubai will suggest fixing it with a dental crown. Fixing chips and cracks are not mandatory but they are considered widely aesthetically wise. 


  • Various teeth imperfections

Visiting a nearby dental clinic or a good dental clinic in Dubai will give you peace of mind. If you have any other tooth imperfections such as prominent and stubborn discoloration or tooth breakage a good dentist in Dubai can suggest you to get a dental crown. A dental crown can cover a stained and discolored tooth and give it a whole new look  and for tooth breakage it can cover and stop it from further breakage. 


No matter what dental problem you might have, a good dentist in Dubai or periodontist in Dubai will give you an extensive check up at a nearby dental clinic. Every top dentist in Dubai will suggest various options for your problem and help you come up with the best solution for you specifically. 


Keywords: good dentist in Dubai, periodontist Dubai, nearby dental clinic, good dental clinic in Dubai, top dentist in Dubai

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