October 13, 2020 by wtadmin 0 Comments

Veneers : Do you also want a beautiful Hollywood smile?

There was a time when good smiles and veneers were only affordable for the rich and famous. Today there are a variety of ways that regular people can also have beautiful Hollywood smiles, without paying a small fortune.  If your teeth are cracked, stained or discoloured or crooked, They are a great option.

How long do Veneers take?

A good dentist in Dubai, one who specialises in veneers, should usually take two visits. Your teeth will have been assessed in advance and appointments for veneers or dental cosmetic surgery will have made. At the first visit your dentist will remove some of the existing enamel from your teeth, to make room for the veneers. This is the more uncomfortable part of the process. The second appointment will be the placing of the veneers over your existing teeth. Veneers are custom made for you.

Who should do your veneers?

If you are in Dubai, or anywhere in the United Arab Emirates, the American Medical and Dental Centre specialise in all kinds of cosmetic dental surgery, including simple tooth whitening and dental implants. For any of these procedures, you want to go to a specialist. Dubai veneers are best done by the AMDC, where you know you are going to get fantastic results. Veneers are also affordable and remember, you do not have to do all your teeth. Your dentist will give you all the advice you need and tell you which procedure is best for you.

Why have veneers?

As we say, you do have options when it comes to fixing teeth. Teeth that are discoloured may just need a good teeth whitening, either by laser, Zoom or a home treatment. Teeth that are missing most likely need dental implants. The teeth that are chipped, crooked or broken, would do well with veneers. Dental veneers, or at least having a good smile, will give you confidence. There will be no more putting your hand in front of your mouth, covering your mouth, or giving a half-hearted smile through tight lips! You can show off your teeth and with veneers, they will look beautiful. They make all the difference to a face!

What exactly are Veneers?

We thought you’d never ask. Veneers are in fact custom designed ‘shells’ that are made of porcelain (mostly) and are bonded to your teeth. They are made of porcelain (mostly) because of its strength and durability. They are a quick option if you don’t want to go through the whole process of orthodontics, especially as an adult, or if you have teeth that are pretty much beyond repair.

If you are considering orthodontics as an adult, chat to your Dubai dentist. Orthodontics, whilst easier to do in your teens, are an option in adulthood. You have choices today which you did not have a few decades ago. Our dental clinic in Dubai has a team of dentists, specialists, orthodontists and cosmetic dental surgeons who can ensure your teeth look and feel fantastic!

To know more about our services , JUST click here 
Contact the AMDC right here.

September 18, 2020 by wtadmin 0 Comments

Specialist dental work in Dubai (veneers)

If you are wanting cosmetic dental surgery, veneers may be the option for you. When you want to improve the look of your teeth, and especially with dental technology being so amazing today, you do have options. You can go for dental implants, porcelain veneers or teeth whitening methods. Your dentist will give you the best options, depending on the state of your mouth and of course, depending on your budget.

What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers, usually made of porcelain, are an excellent option if you want a fantastic smile, and if you want that smile quickly. Porcelain or dental veneers, done by the right dentist, can be done to both your top and bottom teeth, and they are made to look natural and to fit in with the rest of your teeth. You do not have to have veneers put on all your teeth, just on those that you see when you smile.

Those Hollywood smiles you see on television or at the Oscars? They are generally porcelain veneers. Veneers will last a long time – at least ten years but more if you look after your teeth well (regular brushing and flossing) and they are pretty beautiful.

A good dentist should do your veneers

Don’t go to just any dentist for your veneers. Veneers need to be done well. If you are in Dubai and looking for a dental specialist, do your research. Look online, read the reviews and ask for references. The American Medical and Dental Centre, a dental practice in Dubai have an excellent team of dentists, hygienists, specialists, orthodontists and dental cosmetic surgeons. It is important, and that goes for any dental work, that you get it done by dentists who specialise, are licensed and professional and of course, efficient and reliable.

Who should have veneers?

If your smile makes you feel uncomfortable, look at dental cosmetic surgery. You may just need teeth whitening to improve your overall look and confidence, but you may need something bigger. If your teeth are crooked, stained, yellow or grey, broken or chipped, dental cosmetic surgery is available to you. It’s also not expensive as presumed. Veneers, or implants, are often covered by a health care insurance. But if not, you can look at paying them off. You might also be surprised at the costs. As we say, they are not high anymore. As technology has improved, so have veneers!

What is your next step?

If you are reading this and suddenly thinking you might be keen on a little cosmetic surgery, contact your dentist in Dubai. A dentist in the UAE would probably refer you to the AMDC, and you can contact them right here. Go for a consultation and let your dentist tell you what the next step is. Getting veneers is quick, easy and you will have immediate gratification. There is no need to wait for a beautiful smile anymore. Smile are available to everyone. The AMDC just make it easier!

To know more about our services , JUST click here 

August 24, 2017 by wtadmin 0 Comments

An Excessive Increase in the Popularity of Veneer Services in Dubai

Oral Care Awareness:

There are many types of teeth infections, disorders and chronic diseases that last longer. The most people are very punctual in brushing and cleaning teeth as they know the value of their oral care. In Dubai, the dentistry has been making progress quickly and today, it has become one of the most famous dental industries in the world for a variety of oral surgeries and critical dental treatments. The most people use private dental labs and clinics for their oral treatment. However, the dentists and health experts in Dubai, UAE have been running several important and general Oral Care Campaigns just to create the awareness in people about the dental issues. These types of campaigns play a key part to let the common people importance, usefulness and lasting benefits of veneer services.

The popularity of Veneer Services:

Everyone in the world pays much attention to the physical general health. The women are found more health conscious with compared to the men. Basically, the oral health is more sensitive than rest of the health types. Usually, the people in Dubai mostly experience teeth damages, torture, yellowish teeth, gum infections, fall of teeth, irregular shapes and broken teeth. The popular dentists in Dubai, UAE introduce the best veneer services at extremely low prices. This is a surgical process in which a specific product made of a harder material is placed around the teeth separately. This is an additional safety shield that protects your teeth from every damaging thing.

Dental Industry of Dubai:

Basically, dozens of factors and services are behind the excessive increase in popularity of Dubai Dental Industry. First of all, veneers plantation is a key service that market as well as makes this dental industry extremely popular. Secondly, there are hundreds of famous dental labs and clinics that are considered the most experienced, advanced and professional for all types of the oral surgeries, even the teeth implants. This dental industry has been growing faster for last few years and today, it is a leading dentistry market in the Middle East.

Specific Dental Clinics:

You will find two general types of the dental clinics in Dubai, UAE. First, you can visit the public or government hospitals where the latest and most efficient machines, equipment and surgical instruments are provided for the assistance of a dentist in a variety of surgeries and dental treatments. Secondly, you can visit some private dental clinics and labs that are extremely famous for the critical and sensitive surgeries. These private labs and clinics are better options for surgical treatments.

Veneers as Tooth Protector:

You can observe the people with a cute snap on smile in Dubai, UAE as they have the best quality and glowing veneers. These products generally are known as the teeth protectors, while they have their essential role in oral health. You should never wonder for these services as you can visit top private dental clinics in Dubai and take an appointment from the best clinic and visit the veneer plantation.

Cost of Veneer Services:

Of course, once you get newly made veneers on your teeth, then you will get a Hollywood smile that will inspire others. You should never get worried about the cost of this service as it is very low and everyone can easily afford this minor oral surgery.

July 1, 2017 by wtadmin 0 Comments

Free of Cost and 100% Result-Oriented Teeth Whitening Tips in Dubai

Teeth whitening: White Teeth & Smile:

It has been observed that almost 38% people in the world always avoid taking pictures and laughing with the others. In fact, they have yellow teeth, bad breath, and some other dental issues that make them shy to smile. Secondly, the beauty of your personality is always judged by your smile and oral health. In these days, the thousands of the people in Dubai always use a variety of formal, cultural, old-fashioned and the natural ways for the teeth whitening motives. If you have white teeth, then you will feel great pride to give a smile when you are talking with others and taking some photos. Usually, it is very easy, simple and convenient to whiten the teeth and restore their shine perfectly.

Yellow Teeth:

Usually, the turning your teeth into yellow is a common thing among the people. The most men and women experience yellow teeth that will make them shy everywhere. However, there are many reasons, basics, and circumstances that let your teeth turn into yellow, brown or beige. However, the dentists discover some major reasons of the dental issues and yellow teeth. Some of these grounds are;

  • Gum diseases
  • Excessive intake of tea and coffee
  • Smoking tobacco
  • Aging and thinning of tooth enamel
  • Eating processed foods
  • Giving up teeth hygiene habit
  • Dry mouth problems
  • Block nasal passage and breathing by mouth
  • Fluoride intake
  • Genetic factors
  • Intake of antibiotics etc.

Is This Possible to Whiten Teeth?

If you have yellow teeth issues, then you can give up visiting a dentist in Dubai, UAE. Basically, there are plenty of trusted, recommended and tested methods to whiten the yellow teeth and converting them into white. However, you have to choose the best and most appropriate methods for whitening your teeth. The most dentists and doctors always suggest the people use only organic and risk-free tooth whitening methods that give results just in a couple of days.

Inorganic Ways to Whiten the Teeth:

These are inorganic methods to whiten the teeth. These are faster and better, but these are also bit complicated and risky for whitening the teeth. The use of toothpaste, chemicals and surgical methods for tooth whitening are inorganic ways. You should consult with a dentist before to use any of these tooth whitening methods.

Organic Methods for Teeth Whitening:

These are 100% inorganic and natural methods that are free of the risks and any health complication. You can use these methods for the dental care as well as whiten your teeth. Some of these methods are;

  • Cleaning the teeth after eating and drinking
  • Give up smoking and other similar habits
  • Baking soda application
  • Pulling the coconut oil
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Eat Detergent foods
  • Orange peel and lemon
  • Strawberries etc.

Additional Tips for Oral Care:

If you want the teeth whitening, then you should also do some additional measures and cares. For this, you must use regular hygiene and deep cleaning of the teeth, throat, and tongue. Further, it can be more important and effective to follow the instructions of dentists.

June 30, 2017 by wtadmin 0 Comments

Some Reasons and Facts behind Relying only on the Experienced Dubai Dentist

Experience in Dentistry:

Dentistry is one of the most sensitive and complicated industries in the world. It costs huge for dental treatments, especially orthodontics, implants, veneers, braces, and crowns. Anyways, when you are searching for the best and most reliable dentist in Dubai, you should give importance to the experience, certification, and practices. The rational people in Dubai always read about the top, satisfactory and reliable dentistry treatments and then choose the best dentists for oral care services. When you are going to take an appointment with the dentist, you must consider his/her experience, certification, practices and skills. This will help you to catch only a reliable dentist. You must give more importance to the experience of dentists rather than the service or treatment rates.

The quality of Dental Services:

Secondly, when you are about to choose a dentist in Dubai, UAE, then you must preview the service quality that will be more important for you. There are plenty of dental issues, infections, injuries and critical disorders that may be serious and chronic for the suffering people. If you need the orthodontic, bridge, implant and other teeth surgeries, then you should review the feedbacks of those patients who have used the top dentists of Dubai in the past. This will help you to choose only a recommended, reliable, trusted and professional dentist.

Avoid Cheap Oral Treatments:

The cost of oral treatments and services matters a lot for those who always prefer economical dental surgeries and other treatments. Basically, you should avail discounts or hire the low-priced dental treatments for getting the teeth whitening completely. However, you should never compromise over the quality, safety, and perfection of these services. If you choose the cheap dentists in Dubai, then you will obviously have several doubts in your mind until you get the best treatments and recovered quickly and successfully. All the cheap dental services are not cheaper in quality, while all the high-cost oral services are not guaranteed with top quality. You must make sure the quality, safety, and uniqueness of the dental care services or treatments before to visit a dentist.

Be Conscious on Experienced Dentists:

Of course, when you are going to the dentists for some oral or dental treatments, you must exclude inexperienced and less practiced dentists. You must be conscious and dependent on the experienced, certified, practiced and skilled dentists. If you are willing for the implants, veneers, braces and other critical dental surgeries, then you must move to the dental clinics that are specialists in such oral treatments and service.

Choose Recommended and Reliable Dentists:

If you have lost your good smile with white teeth, then you need the best oral treatments and teeth whitening services that will help you to get your fresh and cute smile back. For this, you are required to enlist only recommended, reliable and trusted dentists who have been providing the best and 100% risk-free oral treatments and dental services. In Dubai, you can easily find and choose the best dentist just in 5 minutes through the web search.

June 5, 2017 by wtadmin 0 Comments

Get the Best Dental Services for Your Teeth and Take a Snap on Smile


Dental Services

Face beauty is the first impression of your body on the viewers. It is a very common habit of the people to give a smile when they meet with others. If you have teeth problems, then, of course, you will feel shy to give a smile. There are plenty of inborn and some accidental teeth complications that spoil the smile of people having such issues. In this digital and the advanced world, nothing is impossible, especially when you talk about the oral care. Simply, the broken, damaged, irregular, outward, spaced and yellow teeth are general problems with the people in Dubai as well as rest of the world. Today, it is quite convenient and comfortable for the patients to find and visit the best dentist in Dubai, UAE. In fact, the internet backs you in every matter of life either to buy goods or hire the services. Nowadays, hundreds of dental care clinics and the dentists in Dubai are offering a wide range of oral or dental services. These experts offer;

• Casual hygiene of teeth
• Removal of yellowish material
• Dental surgery
• Reshaping the irregular and outward teeth
• Endodontics, Periodontics, and Orthodontics
• Pediatrics
• Orofacial pain treatment
• Adhesive and Operative Dentistry
• Urgent care etc.

Cares are Better than Treatment

If you don’t have irregular teeth, damages or spaces between the teeth inborn, then you can prevent every dental service or treatment from your life. Yes, this is possible only if you are very punctual in dental hygiene and care. Of course, if you give specific attention and care to your oral health, it would be a pride for you to present yourself for the snap on smile among your family members, friends and others. Regular and deep care of your teeth will protect you from serious oral problems. This is absolutely true that if you care your teeth regularly and consciously, you will never need the dental treatment.

Common Dental Care Services in Dubai

In Dubai, there are many dentists who provide their 100% accurate, satisfaction guaranteed, top quality and affordable dental services. Generally, the veneer placement, orthodontics, teeth alignment, braces, space minimization between the teeth, oral surgery and general dental care. However, it has been a bit confusing and challenging task for the people to find reliable, experienced, certified, well practiced and trusted dentists in Dubai, UAE. If you use some unbiased and effective search methods, then you can approach the best dentists around you anywhere in Dubai.

Choose the Best Dentist & Get Your Smile Back

The most patients having dental issues always try to approach and choose the top and leading dentists for their oral care. If you are seeking for a dentist for veneers placement, you must confirm the experience, past performance, and reviews of the patients who have got treated by this dentist. Further, it is also compulsory for you to make sure clinic timing, service rates that always vary according to nature of the service. Once you get treated completely and properly, then, of course, you will get your smile perfectly back. In fact, your will have the Hollywood smile in a cute style and good face impression.[:]

June 4, 2017 by wtadmin 0 Comments

Rapid Increase in the Popularity and Uses of Veneer in Dubai


What is a Veneer?

The dental care is one of the most challenging and sensitive tasks of the human life. The most people are extra health conscious and they always care their teeth to keep them strong, white, healthy and durable. Today, it is a common problem of the people to have teeth damages, gum injuries, broken teeth, yellowish layer and unhealthy element between the spaces of teeth. In such situations, you will have several serious and lasting dental problems. If you have broken, damaged or yellow teeth, you can give them a white shine by placing the veneer. This product is a type of the cover or layer that is placed on the teeth to protect the teeth from any damage as well as to improve the aesthetics. It will also give a cute smile, extra whitening and perfect protection to the teeth surface.

Why Is This Necessary?

In Dubai, veneers are becoming greatly popular, more common and useful. The people always feel shy whenever they have some critical, natural and lasting dental issues. Nowadays, these additional teeth layers are considered as the best way to protect your smile as well as the teeth from all types of unhealthy elements, breakage, damages and infections. Generally, veneers are not compulsory for the people in Dubai, but this is the best technology ever in dentistry to give an extra protection to the teeth at a lower price. If you have extra space between your teeth, irregular teeth, damaged or broken teeth and outward shape of the teeth, then veneers will give you a new hope to feel normal people with a beautiful smile, face impression and lasting shine of your teeth.

The increase in Popularity of Veneer Porcelain:

At the moment, the popularity of veneer in Dubai, UAE is at the peak because it comes with endless health features and unlimited benefits. Further, when you contact a dentist in Dubai for veneer placement, you will come to know this process inexpensive, risk-free and painless. The most experienced, certified, professional and highly practiced dentists take a couple of hours to place a veneer around the teeth.


The veneer is a new concept for your dental health and it is economical and painless for everyone. It is often questioned that who qualifies for the veneer placement. Basically, there are different situations when you can decide for the veneer treatments including following conditions.
• Gum diseases, teeth injury, dental decay and unhealthy teeth
• Tooth structure issues and weakened teeth
• Teeth with inadequate arrangement, outward structure, shape and enamel issues
• Habit of clenching and grinding teeth that may damage the edges of the teeth
• Instable bite
• Broken teeth
• Enough space between the teeth
• Misaligned teeth etc.

3 General Reasons to Ask for Veneers:

Furthermore, there are three general and more common reasons behind the veneer placement in Dubai, UAE. If you are willing to get a Hollywood smile, you must have inspiring teeth. The veneer placement will be used for;
• Lasting durability of teeth
• Great improvement in the smile and face appearance
• No way to remove the teeth structure etc.

What to Do after Veneer Placement?

If you are more conscious of maintaining your teeth health and the smile, you need to look after the teeth after veneer placement. When you have good face look, impression and healthy teeth, you can take the snap on a smile with an endless pride.[:]

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