December 17, 2017 by wtadmin 0 Comments

Dental Sealants To Protect Grooved And pitted Areas

Every one  admired his front teeth, but the most important task for teeth isn’t in them ,It gets done in the back molars. As The rough back chewing surfaces with pits and grooves breaks down your food.

Regularly teeth brushing can help you clean your teeth by remove food and dental plaque from tooth surfaces, but cleaning these deep fissures is much more difficult and important for your oral health.

Luckily, there are dental sealants which  are plastic covering  that placed on the chewing surface of back teeth to help protect them from decay.

Why do we use sealants?
The chewing surfaces of the teeth “fissures” — that make them able to be decayed . These fissures are difficult to clean, because they are very deep and narrower than even a single bristle of a toothbrush. Plaque gathers in these areas, and bacteria in the plaque attacks the enamel and cavities can develop.

Fluoride can be a solution of this decay by helping  prevent it and  protect the teeth.

Dental sealants provide the grooved and pitted areas extra protection by giving a smooth surface covering all the opened area.

what time is suitable for sealants ?
We can use dental sealant on your teeth at a young age because decay starts early in life.
The first step usually erupts at the age of six.

Sealing your teeth early will help keep them healthy and protect them from cavities.

Second step erupts during the beginning of teenagers.

The sooner sealing these chewing surfaces , the better.

Dental sealants usually done early in life,but adults also can benefit from receiving dental sealants .

Discuss with Dubai dentists for examination to know if tooth sealants suitable for you.

How do Dubai dentists place dental sealants?
Applying dental sealants is simple dentists and patients , and generally takes just a few minutes per tooth.

There are three steps to have A dental sealant:

1. First the dentist cleans the teeth with a paste and rotating brush .

2.Then washes them with water and dries well.

3. Dentist Put an acid solution and then apply it to the chewing surfaces and wait seconds to rinse it  .

4. Dentist Paint the dental sealant  on the tooth enamel to bond and harden.

Some cases need the Dentist to use a curing light to help the dental sealant stiffen.

Sometimes the dentist sets two kinds of  dental sealant together without using a light.

Dental sealants can last for years when they are done in the right way.

How long does a dental sealant last?
Dentist use the proven  effective Dental sealants since the 1970s.

A lot of studies have shown that they have good effects in helping to prevent decay on chewing surfaces.

If there is any problem with dental sealants ,It can last many years

It is also possible to put  a new one after period of time .

How does dental sealants work ?

Dental sealants are not used to replace fluoride in your caring program. Sealants are made up to work with fluoride.

Fluoride works to protect the teeth from decay and sealants to protect the biting surfaces.

Therefore, using both provides a great dentistry prevention.


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