May 10, 2023 by wtadmin 0 Comments

4 types of dental fillings: How to know which one you should choose?

Visiting a dental office is not really so exciting, particularly if you notice cavities. Yet when you have cavities, going to the dentist is crucial and not just a choice—it’s the only choice to think about. In addition to preventing cavities, early detection can prevent your oral health situation from worsening.


The dentist will remove the decayed portion of the tooth and will then use dental fillings to fill the space. The cavity can be filled using conventional drilling or the most recent contactless laser cavity filling.


The idea that dental fillings are only used to treat cavities has caused some confusion. It is untrue; dental fillings can also be used to restore teeth that are worn down or fractured and repair cavities.


What type of fillings to choose?

Dental fillings come in a variety of varieties today. The dentist will let you know the most appropriate one for your situation. You might occasionally have a choice, but you might only sometimes, in which case you would have to follow the dentist’s recommendation.


The best course of action is to educate yourself on the various dental filling before beginning the procedure.


1. Silver Amalgam Dental Fillings

Although the name contains the word “Silver,” it is constructed of a combination of metals, including copper, tin, mercury, and silver. Mercury makes up half of the mixture; the remaining components comprise the rest. Because of its strength, durability, and affordability, this dental filling is the most popular and commonly utilized.


If properly cared for, silver amalgam fillings have been known to last ten years or longer. This is because they have demonstrated strength and can endure years of chewing pressure. Also, there are typically no worries about the filling becoming tainted with blood or saliva.


2. Composite Dental Fillings

Silica, plastic, glass quartz, and other ceramic particles are mixed with a resin foundation to create composite fillings. After the cavity is filled and the tooth is prepped, the filling is cemented into the void and dried under a solid blue curing light. The dentist will try to match the filling to the color of your teeth, though staining over time may cause the color to alter.


3. Glass Ionomer Dental Fillings

Dental fillings made of glass ionomer are composed of acrylic and a particular kind of glass substance. As the teeth are still changing, this filling is typically utilized on young children. Glass ionomers are different from ordinary tooth fillings in that they produce fluoride, which helps prevent additional tooth decay.


4. Gold Dental Fillings

These fillings are strong and long-lasting, lasting for many years. In addition, copper and other metals are alloyed with gold to create gold fillings. However, these fillings are only a few popular choices, as they are the most expensive.



Maintaining dental fillings


The lifespan of the various dental filling kinds has been discussed, but maintaining proper oral hygiene is necessary to ensure they stay that long.


Tell your dentist and seek additional treatment if you detect a piece of the filling is gone, or there is a break in the filling.


Do not ignore tooth decay symptoms if you have them. Contact us for additional details on how cavities could be fixed and what they can do to your mouth if they are not. In addition, our dental specialists will advise you on the best filling material, depending on your situation.



Tooth decay still affects many children and adults in America, despite improvements in oral cleanliness and care. In addition, tooth decay can result in more severe oral health issues, including access and failing teeth, if it is not promptly and adequately addressed.

This is why it’s crucial to visit your dentist frequently (about every six months for both adults and children), so they can look for indications of tooth decay as well as other dental health issues.

May 10, 2023 by wtadmin 0 Comments

Dental Bone Graft: What It Is, How it works, Healing and Recovery

It is normal to lose calcium and minerals as we age, which is why our teeth lose a lot of bone and become vulnerable to cavities. However, there are many other reasons for our teeth to weaken and catch cavities. Dental bone grafting is a procedure to replace the lost bone capacity or density in your jaw and provide the additional support that is needed for its regular functioning.


Bones from any other part of your body are taken to surgically fuse them into the existing bone in the jaw. Nowadays, synthetic bone material has also been used for the same. Dental bone graft is not a procedure everyone with bone loss requires to have done, instead it is only suggested if an individuals’ general health is being affected due to the loss of gums and teeth or if one is getting dental implants.


Continue reading to find out how the procedure is done and a person is recovered from it to perform the daily functions with ease.


Dental bone graft and how does it work?

Dentists and oral surgeons take help of several different ways to carry out Dental bone graft, where the basic practice and procedure remains the same. A bone material taken from another part of your body is grafted or attached to the jaw. An incision is made by the dentist or oral surgeon in your jaw for the procedure to be carried out.


It is a delicate procedure only recommended by the doctors if someone has lost adult teeth or is suffering from a gum disease that can interfere with the general health and well-being of the person. A section of bone material that is taken to infuse to the jaw is preferably taken from the persons’ own body either from hip, tibia, or back of the jaw. When the procedure is carried out this way, it is referred to as the autograft.


Autograft is considered an ideal procedure in dental bone graft as the body is easily able to adapt to its own part, resulting in faster healing and recovery and hence such implants are also known as “gold standard”.


Types of dental bone grafts?


  • Autograft – When the bones are taken from the patient’s own body to attach or graft it to the jaw.
  • Allograft – Dental bone graft when done by taking bone from a cadaver that is someone else’s body, it is known as allograft.
  • Xenograft – This involves the bone to be taken from another species such as pig, cow, or even coral.
  • Alloplast – When a synthetic material is used for dental bone graft such as calcium phosphate or calcium sodium phosphosilicate the procedure is termed as alloplast.


How does the dental bone graft work?

  • The procedure by giving the patient anesthesia and monitoring the activity throughout.
  • The affected area is cleaned following with the incision in the gum for it to be separated from the bone. The incision is where the graft is placed.
  • The bone is placed between the two sections to make them grow together with a dissolvable adhesive substance. 
  • The grafts can also be adjoined with membranes with special screws.
  • Procedure ends when the incision is sewn up and left to heal.


Depending on different conditions there are three types of procedures that can be used, they are:

  • Block bone graft – When there is subsequent bone loss on the front of the jaw, the bone is taken from the back of the jaw, which is known as block bone graft.
  • Sinus lift – To restore the upper jaw’s stability sinus lift is done to move them back to their normal position.
  • Socket graft – When a tooth is removed due to some problem, socket graft is done to prevent the bone loss that might occur otherwise.


The journey of healing and recovery

Instructions have been given to the patient for changing the dressing during the next 24 hours with some pain relievers and antibiotics to avoid infections. Additionally, here is what else you can do:

  • Use ice packs to relieve pain
  • Eat soft slushy food for some days
  • Sleep with a slightly elevated head position to prevent blood pooling.
  • Avoid hot liquids including tea, coffee, and soup.
  • Exempt from doing physical activity. 


With regular visits to the dentist center and complete care, you will start seeing improvements starting from a few weeks to be completely healed in a few months.



Some main side effects of the dental bone graft procedure are pain and swelling, that goes eventually with a little extra care and prescription medicines. You can also see minor bleeding or difficulty in chewing or even speaking for the first few days. Periodontists in Dubai will help you understand the procedures in detail. Book your appointment in the nearest dental clinic in Dubai now.

April 24, 2023 by wtadmin 0 Comments

How to prevent Teeth Sensitivity to Cold Water?

What is Teeth Sensitivity?

Sensitive teeth or tooth hypersensitivity or “dentin hypersensitivity”, is what sounds like teeth causing pain or discomfort in response to certain stimuli, such as heat or cold. The periodontists in Dubai suggest that it can be, affecting one tooth, multiple teeth, or all teeth in the same person. This can have many causes, but most cases of sensitive teeth can be easily treated by changing your oral hygiene routine. 


If your teeth hurt when you eat ice cream or cold drinks, you may have cold teeth. Cold-sensitive teeth are not uncommon, but it is important to understand the difference between cold-sensitive teeth and tooth decay or periodontal disease. It is important to visit a dentist’s center regularly to take good care of your oral health.



Why are my teeth sensitive to the cold?

Cold-sensitive teeth occur when the nerve of the tooth is exposed due to receding gums or worn enamel. 

Have you ever wondered why your teeth get cold easily? The causes of cold-sensitive teeth can be divided into several categories:


Tooth decay and gum disease

If you don’t eat or drink anything cold and your teeth still hurt, you may be in the early stages of cavities or gum disease. The build-up of plaque on your teeth and gums makes them susceptible to cold, which ultimately leads to tooth decay and gum disease.

80% of hypersensitivity begins at the gingival border, so switch to a toothpaste suitable for gums to treat the cause of hypersensitivity. For this reason, you should avoid excessive brushing, excessive use of tooth whitening treatments, or acids from everyday foods and drinks such as wine, coffee, and tomatoes can irreversibly cause tooth enamel loss. 


Cracked teeth

Small cracks can develop over time as teeth expand and contract due to heat and cold. Cracks provide another pathway to nerves and make teeth more sensitive to cold. Look for lines that may indicate microcracks.


Preventing Teeth Sensitivity to Cold Water


Here are some of the following tips from a dental clinic in Dubai to help you prevent teeth sensitivity:


Avoid cold and acidic foods

Avoid eating cold and sensitive foods such as cold drinks, and alcoholic beverages during teeth sensitivity. For example, lick ice cream instead of chewing it.


Use a soft toothbrush

If you have cold-sensitive teeth, you should also use a soft-bristle toothbrush. A soft bristle brush can help reduce irritation to the gums, which can sensitize teeth. Also, try using soft dental floss.


Use toothpaste on sensitive teeth

Crest Gum and Sensitivity Toothpaste are designed to reduce tooth sensitivity to cold by treating causes such as your gum line. Crest Gum and Sensitivity begin treating sensitivity right away, providing relief within days, and protecting sensitive teeth while fighting cavities and plaque. Ask your periodontist in Dubai for a recommendation on which toothpaste will be best for you.


Take a break from bleaching

Finding a mother-of-pearl is a pain. Luckily, bleaching sensitivities are usually temporary. Talk to your dentist about how treatment may affect you and whether you should continue treatment.



Get to the root of the problem


Tooth Sensitivity or Hyperesthesia may be a symptom of other problems, such as:


  • The gums naturally shrink

From the age of 40 onwards, the gums may begin to peel away, exposing the roots of the teeth and showing signs of wear and tear. The roots have no enamel to protect them, so they are much more delicate than the rest of the tooth. Illness may be lurking. It can destroy the bone support of your teeth. Do not smoke; It causes periodontal disease. To treat this, your dentist can do a deep cleaning of your teeth called planning or scaling. Medication or surgery may also be needed to correct the problem.


  • Broken tooth or filling

When you wash your teeth, cracks will appear all the way to the root of the tooth. How the dentist repairs the cleft depends on its depth. A dentist can fill small cracks that end before gums begin to grow. If it is below the gums, it should be extracted. 



In conclusion, to prevent the recurrence of sensitivity, follow the guidelines given by the dental clinic in Dubai i.e. brush your teeth twice a day using a soft bristle toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste and floss daily. Use gentle movements instead of hard or vigorous scrubbing and do not use abrasive toothpaste.

Preventing tooth sensitivity requires consistent oral hygiene practices and regular visits to the nearest dentist center


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