Dental Implant Procedure
Millions of people all around the world use dental implants. It is one of the most popular dental innovations to be found. It was first invented in the most unlikely of places – Sweden by an unknown young doctor by the name of Branemark. At first, his invention did not win any admirers. Almost all of the peers in the dental fraternity roundly criticised his invention and openly called into question the claims of the invention. But contrary to their rumours and disbelief, the dental implants invented by Branemark were a true game changer in dental medicine.
The singular greatness of the dental procedure lies in the fact that it is a permanent procedure. Due to the medical phenomenon known as Osseo integration, the metallic dental implant fuses together with the natural bone tissue present in the jaw. This is what creates the structure of permanence. Due to this feature, dental implants are able to perfectly replicate all the functionality of a natural tooth. A user of dental implants will be able use the dental implants and see no perceptible difference between it and his or her natural teeth.
To get dental implants, you would first need to diagnosed by a dental surgeon. He will see whether you are suitable for a dental implantation. Disqualifying factors are that you are a very heavy smoker or your density is very weak. If the dental team gives the green light, you can go ahead with the surgery. Before the procedure is conducted, the surgeon using 3D software will craft the perfect dental implant for you. On the day of the surgery, this metallic implant will be inserted on to where the fallen tooth stood. Sedatives will be used. After a few weeks, the dental implant surgeon will check whether the implant has healed and has integrated with the jawbone. If it has done so, then the crucial part of the procedure is over. Next, an abutment will be fixed. This will act as the link between the implant and the artificial tooth. After this the crown/artificial tooth will be fixed and the procedure will come to a close.
About American Medical and Dental Center
The doctors at American Medical and Dental Center (AMDC) are some of the most experienced and skilled dental surgeons when it comes to dental implants. The dentists at AMDC are internationally experienced dentists who have been involved in the development of dental innovation worldwide. They bring their expertise to the benefit of the people of Dubai.
They will prepare a customised plan for every patient to ensure that the dental implant has perfect chance of success. Using the advanced equipment and software at their disposal in the clinic, the dental practitioners can craft the perfect porcelain veneer for your teeth. Furthermore, the staff in the clinic are trained to provide comfort to the patient. They can speak several languages reflecting the multi ethnic character of the city.