February 11, 2023 by wtadmin 0 Comments

Wisdom Teeth Removal (Extraction): What to Expect, Recovery and Pain

Wisdom teeth or back molars are the last set of molars to come out. They usually come out between the ages of 17-25, and for some people, they do not come out at all. Having regular  checkups by a good dentist in Dubai or a periodontist in a dental clinic in Dubai will help you with any questions and problems regarding your wisdom teeth as well as any other dental issue you might have. By just googling ‘nearby dental clinic’ you can find a dental clinic in Dubai that will help you with any dental procedures required to help maintain your oral health in the best shape.


Wisdom teeth can make your everyday life really uncomfortable if not removed properly

A good dentist in Dubai or a periodontist Dubai will give you a thorough explanation on why you might need wisdom teeth removal, and what to expect regarding pain and recovery. Visiting a nearby dental clinic in Dubai, you can make your life easier and pain free.

Wisdom teeth extractions are one of the most common oral surgeries, hence a good dentist in Dubai in a dental clinic in Dubai will do a thorough checkup, recommend an X-ray and inform you about any possible issues, procedure itself and what comes after the surgery. 


Reasons to Have Wisdom Teeth Removal

Many people experience pain caused by wisdom teeth. Regular checkups by a good dentist in Dubai or periodontist Dubai will give you a clear picture of what is going on with your wisdom teeth and if or why you might need an extraction


There are several reasons why you might need a wisdom teeth extraction. 

Some of them are:

  • They are impacted 

This means that you have wisdom teeth that have not come out and are stuck in your jaw or gums. This can be very painful. Stopping by a dental clinic in Dubai can be a way out of the pain you have been feeling for a long time. 

  • Your wisdom teeth come in at the wrong angle 

Your wisdom teeth are coming out in a different angle and are not aligning properly with your other teeth. That means they are pressing against other teeth which may cause movement and make your teeth crooked. 

  • No space in your mouth 

Sometimes there’s just no space in your mouth for wisdom teeth to come out. This can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. 

  • You have cavities or gum disease

Because your wisdom teeth are far back, you might not do proper oral hygiene and that can cause cavities on your teeth and contribute to gum diseases.


Wisdom Teeth Removal

After a thorough checkup with a good dentist in Dubai they will inform you of a way of extracting your wisdom teeth. That means you can have  a basic wisdom teeth removal if your wisdom teeth have erupted or you might need surgery to remove wisdom teeth if they are impacted. 


Basic wisdom teeth extraction

If your dentist decides that you need a basic wisdom teeth removal, then they will clean your mouth and numb the area around the wisdom teeth. A  good doctor in Dubai will use special tools to wiggle and loosen the tooth socket, then when the tooth is loosened enough the dentist will  use dental forceps to grab the tooth tightly and pull it out. Once the tooth is out of your mouth the dentist will clean, disinfect and suture shut to heal properly. 

Surgical wisdom teeth extraction 

If your wisdom teeth are impacted they will require surgical extraction. With surgical removal your dentist will prepare your mouth by cleaning them and numbing. Then they will make a small incision in your gums next to the wisdom tooth. Then, they will cut the tooth into small pieces and extract them in small parts. When the last part is removed the area is disinfected and sutured. 


Recovery and Pain

When visiting a nearby dental clinic you will be informed about the recovery and pain you will experience after wisdom teeth removal. A good dentist in Dubai or periodontist Dubai will tell you that the level of pain and recovery time depends on the type of wisdom teeth extraction, whether you had basic or surgical extraction. 

As far as the pain is concerned you will experience it for the first few days, depending on the extraction method. With basic extraction, pain lasts less and with surgical removal it can last for up to a week or even longer if it was a complicated extraction. 

Your recovery process also depends on the type of wisdom teeth removal you had. With basic removal recovery time is a few days, but if you had a complicated surgical extraction, recovery time can be a week or two. You might experience swollen mouth and cheeks, some bruising, stiff or sore jaw and unpleasant taste in your mouth. 


Pain Management

No one wants to be in pain for any reason, so your dentist will recommend taking pain medication and some ice to reduce swelling. Sometimes a dentist might recommend taking antibiotics while you recover to prevent infections while your mouth is still vulnerable to germs. 


Eating Habits After Wisdom Teeth Removal

A dentist in a dental clinic in Dubai will give you instructions on which food to eat and which to avoid during recovery time. Soft food such as soup, mashed potatoes, pudding, and smoothies is recommended. You should definitely avoid hot food because it can burn the extraction area, nuts or seeds because they are hard food and can get stuck and hurt the extraction area as well. 



Dentists should advise you on how to properly take care of your mouth post-extraction and during recovery time as well as your whole body in order to keep the extraction area intact and properly healed. 

You should:

  • Avoid exercise for a few days
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking
  • Use a second pillow to support your head at night
  • Avoid rinsing, spitting or anything else that can dislodge the blood cloth for 24 hours
  • Rinse with mild mouthwash or salt water if not recommended differently by your dentist
  • Brush teeth starting the second day


By just googling ‘nearby dental clinic’ you can get the care you need for a healthy mouth. If you are experiencing pain and discomfort and are in need of wisdom teeth removal do not hesitate to visit a dental clinic in Dubai and have a checkup by a good dentist. They will help you get the relief you need so much.

February 3, 2023 by wtadmin 0 Comments

10 Things to Know Before Getting Porcelain Veneers

First thing that comes to your mind when you hear veneers is a beautiful Hollywood smile.

But your best dentist in Dubai will tell you that veneers are so much more than a cosmetic procedure to help you gain some confidence. Even though they help greatly with self-esteem, a dentist in Dubai will inform you about how  veneers contribute to your overall oral health as well. If you are not smiling because you do not like your teeth, visiting a dental clinic in Dubai and doing veneers in Dubai might just be what you need to smile confidently again.

Updating your smile at the dental clinic in Dubai and having veneers in Dubai done by the best dentist in Dubai will be the very reason for you showing your gorgeous smile again. We all know that first impressions are everything and flashing that perfect smile will make your encounters memorable. One of the first things people notice when meeting someone is their smile, and you certainly do not want to leave a bad impression. So stopping by a dental clinic in Dubai and having a thorough checkup with a dentist in Dubai can be a first step towards a big beautiful smile. 

What Are Porcelain Veneers? 

If you want to know everything about porcelain veneers , visiting a dental clinic in Dubai and talking to the best dentist in Dubai will give all the answers you need in order for you to understand what veneers are, how they work, the procedure of getting veneers etc. 

Dental veneers are thin covers put on the front of your teeth. A dentist in Dubai adheres those thin covers to your teeth to give them a better look. 


What Are Veneers Used for? 

A dentist in Dubai might recommend you to have veneers done if you have some of the following dental issues:

  • Broken or chipped teeth
  • Teeth discoloration
  • Small or uneven teeth
  • Gaps or crooked teeth
  • Old restorations or fillings
  • Bite issues
  • Crowding

Having a checkup with the best dentist in Dubai will help you become familiar with the procedure and realize if you are a candidate for getting veneers. 


If you are uncertain here we bring  ten things to know before getting veneers:


  • It is a cosmetic procedure

Getting porcelain veneers is considered to be a cosmetic procedure, hence it is not covered by insurance. Checking your dental insurance might be a good thing since veneers can cost a lot. 

  •  It fixes a variety of dental problems 

As already mentioned above, veneers can fix a lot of dental issues such as teeth discoloration, broken or chipped teeth. If you do not like gaps between your teeth  or you find your teeth too small, veneers can fix that as well. Some of the bigger problems veneers can fix are crooked teeth, if you have bite issues or crowded teeth. 

  • Choose color of veneers wisely

That big white Hollywood smile can become a bit too much if you choose whiter teeth than needed. Whiter is not always better. It can look unnatural and leave a totally opposite impression than you wanted to. Choosing a white color that is softer in appearance will give a natural look and a perfect first impression. 

  •  Number of veneers- it’s your choice

You do not have to put veneers on all of your teeth. Some people do the entire mouth, and some do only the front teeth. Your dentist in Dubai will recommend having veneers done in pairs in order to maintain the symmetry and natural look of your smile. 

  • Porcelain veneers are very resistant 

Porcelain veneers proved to be better at resisting stains than other types of veneers. By doing oral hygiene properly your veneers are going to last you a very long time and the chance of them becoming discolored is less likely. 

  • Your natural teeth stay 

When doing veneers you keep your natural teeth. It is not like implants where you remove your existing teeth and replace them.  The veneers get attached to your natural teeth.

  • Veneers do not work for everyone 

There are instances where one is not a candidate for veneers. Some of the situations where veneers won’t work for you are: 

  • If your teeth are too worn down (by grinding) there is a chance veneers can’t properly adhere to your tooth
  • If your teeth gaps are too big. You might require braces, aligners or some other type of orthodontic work first
  • If your teeth are too crowded and your jaw too small, yet again you will need some orthodontic work first and then do the veneers 
  • The process of getting veneers 

Having done any type of procedure you should know how it all works. Choosing the best dentist in Dubai that you feel very comfortable with you can get the answers about any concerns you might have regarding getting the porcelain veneers. Having an extensive examination by a dentist in Dubai is crucial for checking if you are a good candidate and whether you need some work done on your teeth before the veneers. If you happen to need any cavities filled, you need to do that first, and not the other way around. After that your dentist will remove a thin layer of enamel from your teeth, then they will take the mold of your teeth to make veneers. You get to choose shape and color before they are made and permanently placed. On your next visit a dentist in Dubai will adhere veneers on your teeth with bonding glue. This is all done under local anesthetic. 

  • Recovery and maintenance

No matter what procedure you do, it is very important to listen to your dentist  about recovery and post-procedure oral care. After getting veneers done you might feel some sensitiveness or mild soreness. Recovery is pretty quick and painless or with mild discomfort at first. Veneer maintenance is no different to regular teeth maintenance, they require daily brushing, flossing and regular dentist check ups every six months. 

  •  How long do they last? 

If cared for properly, veneers could last you 15-20 years. They don’t last forever but with everyday proper care that can last you a very long time.


Find a good dentist that makes you feel comfortable to do veneers in Dubai. With the best dentist in Dubai you are guaranteed to have all the questions answered and best veneers done for a beautiful smile. 


Keywords: veneers in Dubai, dentist in Dubai, best dentist in Dubai, dental clinic in Dubai. 

December 11, 2022 by wtadmin 0 Comments

Dental Care in Senior Age

Elderly people are prone to more dental problems which can affect their overall health much quicker. 

A good dentist in Dubai will inform you about the dangers of poor oral hygiene in senior age: such as gum diseases, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, and oral cancer. 

Encouraging your loved ones in senior age to visit a nearby dental clinic can help them understand and take better care of their teeth. A dental clinic in Dubai can’t stress enough the importance of taking care of your oral health in senior age. Preventing dental problems in elderly people assures them to live a long and happy life. 

A good dentist in Dubai and periodontist in Dubai will inform you about how to take care of your teeth and mouth properly. 


Here we bring you a few tips for dental care in senior age:


  • Regular dentist visits 

Every good dentist in Dubai will firstly recommend regular dental checkups for elderly people. Because people in senior age are more susceptible to illnesses if not treated in time. Regularly visiting a good dental clinic in Dubai will help you maintain good oral health and therefore your overall health. 


  • Brush daily 

Every single top dentist in Dubai is going to explain the importance of brushing your teeth twice a day on a daily basis. Brushing teeth is the first line of defence against bacteria and dental illnesses. Stopping by a nearby dental clinic, you will get needed information about how to brush properly and what kind of toothbrush is best for your teeth. 


  • Floss and rinse with mouthwash 

Even though many would think that people in senior age don’t need flossing or mouthwash, you can’t be further from the truth. Flossing and mouthwash keeps those stubborn food particles away, keeping your teeth clean and healthy. Elderly people have great benefits from flossing and using mouthwash, not only healthy teeth by reducing risk of cavities but also reducing risk of gum disease, which if not treated in time can lead to more serious dental problems. 


  • Take Calcium supplements 

A dental clinic in Dubai with  a periodontist Dubai and a good dentist in Dubai will suggest to seniors to take calcium supplements, as it is very important for our bodies but in senior age we can’t get it enough through food only. Osteoporosis is a common health issue in seniors if not prevented or treated in time. Osteoporosis leads to bone breaking, hence bones around teeth can break and cause serious oral problems.


  • Proper care of dentures, mouthguard or other dental prostheses

A periodontist in Dubai and a good dentist in Dubai should help you with information needed on how to take proper care of your dentures, mouthguard or any dental kind of prostheses. A top dentist in Dubai will make sure that your dentures don’t make you any discomfort. Proper brushing and cleaning, and regular checkups at nearby dental clinic in Dubai is the key for keeping up with good oral health.


  •  Hydration is the key 

Many elderly people have issues with dry mouth due to their age or medication they use regularly. Proper hydration will help you with any dehydration related oral problems. Your good dentist in Dubai will explain the importance of hydration and how it can affect your overall health. Drinking plenty of water will be of a great benefit for your oral health. 


If you are not sure about how to take care of your teeth in senior age, or you have any other questions about your oral health do not hesitate to visit a dental clinic in Dubai where a top dentist in Dubai will help you and guide you on how to care for dental problems in senior age. 


Keywords: good dentist in Dubai, periodontist Dubai, nearby dental clinic, dental clinic in Dubai. 

October 13, 2020 by wtadmin 0 Comments

Veneers : Do you also want a beautiful Hollywood smile?

There was a time when good smiles and veneers were only affordable for the rich and famous. Today there are a variety of ways that regular people can also have beautiful Hollywood smiles, without paying a small fortune.  If your teeth are cracked, stained or discoloured or crooked, They are a great option.

How long do Veneers take?

A good dentist in Dubai, one who specialises in veneers, should usually take two visits. Your teeth will have been assessed in advance and appointments for veneers or dental cosmetic surgery will have made. At the first visit your dentist will remove some of the existing enamel from your teeth, to make room for the veneers. This is the more uncomfortable part of the process. The second appointment will be the placing of the veneers over your existing teeth. Veneers are custom made for you.

Who should do your veneers?

If you are in Dubai, or anywhere in the United Arab Emirates, the American Medical and Dental Centre specialise in all kinds of cosmetic dental surgery, including simple tooth whitening and dental implants. For any of these procedures, you want to go to a specialist. Dubai veneers are best done by the AMDC, where you know you are going to get fantastic results. Veneers are also affordable and remember, you do not have to do all your teeth. Your dentist will give you all the advice you need and tell you which procedure is best for you.

Why have veneers?

As we say, you do have options when it comes to fixing teeth. Teeth that are discoloured may just need a good teeth whitening, either by laser, Zoom or a home treatment. Teeth that are missing most likely need dental implants. The teeth that are chipped, crooked or broken, would do well with veneers. Dental veneers, or at least having a good smile, will give you confidence. There will be no more putting your hand in front of your mouth, covering your mouth, or giving a half-hearted smile through tight lips! You can show off your teeth and with veneers, they will look beautiful. They make all the difference to a face!

What exactly are Veneers?

We thought you’d never ask. Veneers are in fact custom designed ‘shells’ that are made of porcelain (mostly) and are bonded to your teeth. They are made of porcelain (mostly) because of its strength and durability. They are a quick option if you don’t want to go through the whole process of orthodontics, especially as an adult, or if you have teeth that are pretty much beyond repair.

If you are considering orthodontics as an adult, chat to your Dubai dentist. Orthodontics, whilst easier to do in your teens, are an option in adulthood. You have choices today which you did not have a few decades ago. Our dental clinic in Dubai has a team of dentists, specialists, orthodontists and cosmetic dental surgeons who can ensure your teeth look and feel fantastic!

To know more about our services , JUST click here 
Contact the AMDC right here.

September 10, 2020 by wtadmin 0 Comments

Dentists, Dubai and the time of Covid-19

Worldwide, and during this pandemic, there has been a lot of anxiety over Covid-19. People have wanted to avoid doctors and dentists, just in case of added danger to exposure. As things ease up, worldwide, so life is getting back to normal. And that means people want to have their teeth cleaned and looked after. As they should!

The American Medical and Dental Centre in Dubai is stringent about safety. As a dental clinic we have always taken safety seriously, and during this time, even more so. Our dental clinic dentists, hygienists and specialists are regularly tested, our rooms are constantly sterilized, we practice extremely strict hygiene measures and we check and look after all of our patients.

The safety of staff and patients are equally important. Our cleaners, receptionists, dental staff, day and night staff and security, are all extremely Covid-19 conscious. We clean daily to ensure your safety and their safety.

As the best dental clinic in Dubai we have an extremely good reputation, and want to keep it that way. We stagger appointments and have strict Covid-19 applicable rules.

  1. We practice social distancing.
  2. There is sanitiser available throughout the practice.
  3. Our patients and all staff must wear masks.
  4. Our staff are especially well masked / shielded and wear appropriate PPE.
  5. We keep track of all our patients
  6. All patients fill out a Covid-19 form.
  7. We make this easy for you, sending it in advance.
  8. We do not lose sight of the pandemic for a single moment. Your health is our concern.

Dentists and Covid-19

Our team do not want to get sick and they do not want anybody else to get sick. To be honest, this has always been our policy, and a dentist or specialist at AMDC has always practiced extreme hygiene. Today, because of circumstances, we take the utmost care in every single aspect of work we do.

We have seen a sharp increase in people in Dubai making dental appointments now, and we are eager to help but are extremely aware and cautious. When you do come in to see our dentist, whether for a cleaning or specialist work, we will do it with your health, and our health, in mind.

Dental work

The American Medical and Dental clinic in Dubai offer a wide range of treatment. We undertake a wide range of dental work. All the work you put off during the height of the pandemic can again be done, albeit safely and professionally.

  • Dental implants
  • Dental fillings
  • Extractions
  • Crowns
  • Tooth whitening
  • Root canal
  • Orthodontics
  • Tissue and bone grafting

If you are in Dubai and looking for a dental clinic, the American Medical Dental Centre is THE place to go. We have an excellent reputation, have been in business since 2005 and are proud of our relationships with our clients. We work with adults, teens and children, have specialist paediatric dentists and orthodontists, and look forward to taking good care of you.

Health and safety go together. We are doing everything in our power to ensure your safety, together with great teeth, gums and oral hygiene!

To Know more about our services , JUST click here

February 14, 2020 by wtadmin 0 Comments

5 reasons to have good oral hygiene for your Valentine

It’s very nearly Valentine’s Day, the day when we all want to impress our loved one. Hopefully you have spent time choosing the right gift, writing out a lovely card and perhaps organising the perfect dinner for two.


We also hope you’ve spent time on your oral hygiene. Valentine’s Day is a day when you get close to your partner, which means, you need to have good oral health and good breath. You certainly don’t want your partner taking a step backwards when you step in to hug or kiss them.  Here are our five reasons why you should care of your oral hygiene, and not only for Valentine’s Day.


It shows your partner that hygiene is important to you


Hygiene should be important to you and that includes your own hygiene and that of people around you. It shows that you have a good sense of self, that you want to look good, and that you are making an effort to look good for others. If there is a special person in your life, make an effort for her or him, and that includes your oral hygiene. They will appreciate your sparkling clean mouth!



It makes intimacy easier


Nobody wants to kiss someone with bad breath. And honestly, intimacy is just that much nicer when you have a fresh mouth and one that is well cared for. Dentistry today makes it so much easier to have white teeth, straight teeth and fresh delicious breath. A six monthly check up does wonders for your oral care, and there are so many methods for teeth whitening today, methods that do not break the bank.



That white smile may be the cause of love at first sight


Flash a beautiful smile at someone and they must just fall in love with you immediately. Of course nobody should be judged on what they look like, but it makes it a lot easier to fall for someone who has good oral hygiene combined with their fabulous personality!



Oral health gives you confidence


If you can smile confidently, you feel confident. If you are hiding behind your hand because your teeth are a little grey, or even missing, you don’t feel good about yourself and this shows. Your self esteem will get the most fabulous boost if you take care of your teeth. Remember, it is never too late. You might not get that fab white smile before Valentine’s Day but you can certainly get it before the next date!



Oral health results in overall good health


If you leave your dental health too long, your problems can become severe which means your overall health is going to suffer. The earlier you deal with your oral hygiene, and keep dealing with it, the better your health is going to be in general. Again, see your dentist on a regular basis and if you don’t have a dentist, call the American Medical and Dental Centre in Dubai. They have an excellent team of dentists, oral hygienists, dental cosmetic surgeons and dental surgeons, for all dental care.

July 12, 2019 by wtadmin 0 Comments

Everything You Need To Know About Veneers

With dental technology being so advanced, a perfect white smile is available to all. Gone are the days of yellow or grey teeth, and gone are the days of crooked, missing or jagged teeth. There is nothing better than a great smile to give you fantastic confidence, and Veneers are the one way you can get that perfect smile.

Cheap Dentist in Dubai

So What Exactly Are Veneers?

Veneers are made out of porcelain. They are wafer thin porcelain shells, shaped just like teeth that get bonded to your natural teeth. They are super strong and once you have veneers, you have them for life. They look natural although you can have them as white as you would like, and they genuinely work and give you a fabulous smile. The American Medical and Dental Centre (AMDC)in Dubai has a specialist department for teeth whitening, and has certainly perfected the art of the perfect Veneer! They have also managed to do this at reasonable prices.

veneers in dubai

Who is a Good Candidate for Veneers?

In previous times it was only the very wealthy who could afford veneers. That is why you would see famous actors and actresses, especially American, with straight, white, perfect teeth. Advances in technology mean that veneers are now accessible for almost all people. They are porcelain, an expensive material, but are more widely produced and therefore not too costly. Good candidates for veneers would include:-

  • People with discoloured teeth.
  • Teeth those are crooked, chipped or cracked.
  • People with gaps in their mouths.
  • Anyone with bad teeth who wants to improve on their self-esteem

    Your dentist at the dental clinic in Dubai will tell you if you are a candidate for veneers. Not everyone is and this is why you need to have an assessment first. A dentist, or dental cosmetic surgeon, will consult with you and give you options. Your options may include Veneers.

Veneers Dentist

Does It Hurt To Have Veneers?

A visit to the dentist is never going to be the most pleasurable thing, but again, with advanced technology and especially at the AMDC, there is really limited pain. Your dentist will make you as comfortable as possible and will ensure that he or she works on your mouth in the most pain-free way. There may be a little discomfort; you do have to lie in the chair with your mouth wide open after all. But the pain is not at all extreme, and in most instances, veneers in Dubai are done in a high-tech, luxurious and pain-free way. Many dentists, and especially at the AMDC, use a local anaesthetic. This will always be discussed with the patient, in advance.

How Long Will My Veneers Last?

Veneers can last a lifetime, it depends on you! Most dentists will tell you that your veneers can last between 10 and 20 years. A lot of this depends on your lifestyle. If you smoke and drink, and do not brush your teeth well, you may just get 5 to 10 years. But you will definitely get those years with magnificent teeth. You do need to brush twice daily, you do need to continue flossing, and you should have your regular six monthly dental check ups. Many dentists will also suggest that you wear a night guard to prevent wear and tear.

Dental Clinic in Sharjah

Can I Choose How White I Want My Veneers?

The shape of your dental veneers will be tailor made to suit your mouth and your teeth. The same goes with the colour. Your dentist will choose the best shade of white that will suit your skin colour, eye colour and hair colour, while looking glamorous and natural. You may want to go an extreme white, and it is likely that your dentist will gently suggest you do not go too extreme. Very white teeth look unnatural. White teeth look great! The dentists at the AMDC will assess you and then make suggestions as to which shape and colour veneers will be best for you.

Do I Get A Mouthful Of Veneers Or Just A Few?

Most dentists will suggest veneers for your front top teeth, or your most social teeth, i.e. the ones that are seen. You can have as many teeth veneered as you want, but your dentist will explain which ones you should get done, and why. Aesthetically speaking, you want your smile to be perfect. Look in the mirror, see which teeth you can predominantly see when you smile. It is likely that these are the teeth that your dentist will suggest you have veneered.

Veneers In DubaiWhere Is The Best Place For Veneers?

If you are in the United Arab Emirates, then you should make your way to Dubai, to the American Medical and Dental Centre. They have a teeth whitening clinic, offering various methods of whitening. The veneers in Dubai are far superior here than anywhere else in the UAE, mostly because of the incredible team of dentists and dental specialists and cosmetic surgeons, and of course, because of the technology. If you are wanting to have white teeth, or to improve your smile in any way, book an appointment for yourself. It’s a good idea to have a regular dental check up, and you can have an assessment at the same time. Your teeth may just need a good scrubbing by a dental hygienist. Or, perhaps a little tooth-whitening via laser or similar. Or perhaps, veneers. Dental veneers have changed many people’s lives. Let them change yours too.

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