
Category: Health

To maintain oral hygiene, you should visit a dentist regularly.AMDC team can help you achieve oral hygiene
December 24, 2017 by wtadmin 0 Comments

learn how to save your natural tooth by Fixing-Root-Canal

learn how to save your natural tooth by Fixing-Root-Canal:

Quick, comfortable procedure that can relieve your pain and save your natural tooth,so There’s no need to be worried if you are in need of it as Millions of teeth are treated and saved this way each year.

What is root canal ?

Inside your tooth, beneath the white enamel and dentin, is a soft tissue called pulp. This tissue contains blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue, which help grow the root of your tooth during its development.


Before having root canal treatment, you should do some steps :

– A series of X-rays have to be taken of the affected tooth.

This allows dentists to define any damage in your teeth and have clear picture of the root canal.

Dentists usually use local anesthetic, and painkilling medicines.

In some cases it isn’t necessary to use a local anesthetic, as the tooth is no longer sensitive.

In this case, dentists  use special  techniques to ensure that the treatment isn’t painful.

-Removing the pulp, We have to be sure that the tooth is dry during the treatment so the dentist will place a rubber sheet (dam) around the tooth. Then an opening is made and the diseased tooth pulp is removed.

If you have a dental abscess, which is a pus-filled swelling, your dentist will be able to drain it at the same time.

-Cleaning the root canal, to make the root canal easy to be filed it has to be clean and wider ,so After the pulp has been removed, your dentist will clean and enlarge the root canal .

The root canal is usually very narrow, which makes it difficult to fill. So Your dentist will use a series of small files to enlarge the canals and make them a regular shape so they can be filled.

To complete this step you need more much time and may need several visits to your dentists

Your front incisor and canine teeth (biting teeth) usually have a single root containing one root canal.

The premolars and back molar teeth (chewing teeth) have two or three roots, each containing either one or two root canals. The more roots a tooth has, the longer the treatment will take to complete.

If the treatment needs several sessions, the dentist have to keep the canal clean by putting a small amount of medication in the cleaned canal in between visits to kill any remaining bacteria. The tooth will then be sealed using a temporary filling.

If you have symptoms from the infection, such as a raised temperature or large swelling, you may be given antibiotics to help manage and prevent further infection.

-Filling the root canal:  the roots that have been opened (to get rid of the disease pulp) are filled with gutta-percha material and sealed off with cement.

What are the advantages of Saving the natural tooth with root canal treatment:

  • Efficient chewing
  • Normal biting force and sensation
  • Natural appearance
  • Protects other teeth from excessive wear or strain

December 17, 2017 by wtadmin 0 Comments

Dental Sealants To Protect Grooved And pitted Areas

Every one  admired his front teeth, but the most important task for teeth isn’t in them ,It gets done in the back molars. As The rough back chewing surfaces with pits and grooves breaks down your food.

Regularly teeth brushing can help you clean your teeth by remove food and dental plaque from tooth surfaces, but cleaning these deep fissures is much more difficult and important for your oral health.

Luckily, there are dental sealants which  are plastic covering  that placed on the chewing surface of back teeth to help protect them from decay.

Why do we use sealants?
The chewing surfaces of the teeth “fissures” — that make them able to be decayed . These fissures are difficult to clean, because they are very deep and narrower than even a single bristle of a toothbrush. Plaque gathers in these areas, and bacteria in the plaque attacks the enamel and cavities can develop.

Fluoride can be a solution of this decay by helping  prevent it and  protect the teeth.

Dental sealants provide the grooved and pitted areas extra protection by giving a smooth surface covering all the opened area.

what time is suitable for sealants ?
We can use dental sealant on your teeth at a young age because decay starts early in life.
The first step usually erupts at the age of six.

Sealing your teeth early will help keep them healthy and protect them from cavities.

Second step erupts during the beginning of teenagers.

The sooner sealing these chewing surfaces , the better.

Dental sealants usually done early in life,but adults also can benefit from receiving dental sealants .

Discuss with Dubai dentists for examination to know if tooth sealants suitable for you.

How do Dubai dentists place dental sealants?
Applying dental sealants is simple dentists and patients , and generally takes just a few minutes per tooth.

There are three steps to have A dental sealant:

1. First the dentist cleans the teeth with a paste and rotating brush .

2.Then washes them with water and dries well.

3. Dentist Put an acid solution and then apply it to the chewing surfaces and wait seconds to rinse it  .

4. Dentist Paint the dental sealant  on the tooth enamel to bond and harden.

Some cases need the Dentist to use a curing light to help the dental sealant stiffen.

Sometimes the dentist sets two kinds of  dental sealant together without using a light.

Dental sealants can last for years when they are done in the right way.

How long does a dental sealant last?
Dentist use the proven  effective Dental sealants since the 1970s.

A lot of studies have shown that they have good effects in helping to prevent decay on chewing surfaces.

If there is any problem with dental sealants ,It can last many years

It is also possible to put  a new one after period of time .

How does dental sealants work ?

Dental sealants are not used to replace fluoride in your caring program. Sealants are made up to work with fluoride.

Fluoride works to protect the teeth from decay and sealants to protect the biting surfaces.

Therefore, using both provides a great dentistry prevention.


December 10, 2017 by admin 0 Comments

Learn the difference between surgical and simple Extraction

What causes tooth extraction ?

The only one can decide that your tooth need to extract is your specialized dentist.

All efforts should be made to aim to treatment and restore your tooth before taking the decision of tooth extraction.

But, in some cases the tooth extraction is so necessary.

What are the main reasons for tooth extraction?

  • Trauma/ sharp tooth damage.
  • Trauma in the nerve of the tooth.
  • Partial detonation.

What are removing teeth steps ?
First Dubai dentists will see your dental history and asking about any other disease.

Then the dentist will take X-rays to.

definite  the shape, position and length of the tooth and surrounding bone. So the dentist can decide the right way to tooth extraction .

Dentists in Dubai  should use a pain killer where the extraction will take place.

For a simple extraction, after the pain killer the dentist uses an elevator to take the tooth out. When the dentist may choose to close the area with a stitch after finishing extraction.


When should we go to  Surgical Extraction?


There is another way Dubai dentist use for teeth extraction which used when the tooth is invisible or burred into the gum   .

Reasons for Surgical Extractions:

By taking an x-ray and examination help the dentist determine whether your extraction will be simple or surgical. But there are special cases that the dentist decide it is a simple but within the process it turns to surgical.

As if a tooth breaks off during the process, it may need to be taken out in pieces.

  • Wisdom teeth need surgical extraction because they’re not completely blew up into the mouth.
  • In this case dentist need to cut through bone and tissue. Remove severely the broken teeth.
  • Other examples of surgical extractions are root tips or teeth with long-curved roots.

Simple Extractions vs. Surgical Extractions:

Simple Extractions :These are created on teeth that are clear seen in the mouth, the general dentist can do it by simply way, without requiring to oral surgeons.

Surgical extraction :These are related to teeth that are invisible in the mouth, and can be performed by oral surgeons.

Also, you have to know that type of tooth extraction may be performed through local anesthesia.

Post-Extraction Instructions:

You should follow your dentist instructions whatever you need simple or surgical to help recover fast and get rid of any intricacies.

  • Stop the bleeding by using a pad for half an hour after the extraction .
  • For the first two hours after extraction avoid much talking, eating and drinking.
  • You need to drink a well amount of cold liquids after stop the bleeding.
  • Start a diet with soft foods and liquids for the first day.
  • Avoid brushing your teeth for half a day.
  • Use a mouthwash and lukewarm water instead of tooth brush.
  • Follow your dentist’s instructions on using any pain killer medications.
  • Call your dentist if you have any abnormal pain or bleeding.

After totally recovering you can discuss with your dentist about tooth replacement options to restore the function and beautify to your smile.

December 3, 2017 by wtadmin 0 Comments

Laser Teeth Whitening. How Does It Work ?

Laser Teeth Whitening. How Does It Work ?

One of the most important things that show the beauty of the human is the smile, as the smile is one of the most important things that concern the human, more beautiful teeth and whiteness means more beauty of the smile, it improves the look of others to you and leave them a good impression of you. But with the multiplicity of days and years, the color of the teeth often changes and is less white because of daily habits such as drinking coffee and tea, not washing the teeth properly, and smoking too, all of these causes tooth yellowing, which makes people resort to different bleaching operations in clinic in  Dubai .

What is teeth whitening?

It is a simple procedure to brighten your teeth by making the concentration of color less .

It contains bleaches to decrease stains on your teeth .

Also, the teeth whitening process can perfectly improve your smile’s look but it need more than one time.

So, that’s considered as the most common cosmetics dental operations.

Is Whitening useful for All Teeth?.

No, so you have to talk to your dentist in Dubai  before whitening .as it may not correct all types  of changing color. For example ,there are great differences between colors levels as yellow needs fewer whitening than brown and grey.

Whitening can’t work on some caps or fillings. It also can’t fix  discoloration that caused by medicines or injury tooth .

What causes tooth changing color ?

Over time, your teeth may have color changing for a number of reasons:

Food and Drink
Coffee, tea are main reasons. as they have  Intense color pigments that attach to the white, outer layer of tooth (enamel).

Tobacco contains Tar which is dark and Nicotine mixed with oxygen.(After mixing it turns into a yellowish, surface-staining substance).

Getting older
Excessive brushing over life time cause weakens the outer enamel layer because it is a soft area so more of the yellowish dentin shows through .

If you’ve been faced a mouth hitting , it may cause changing color because it reacts with it by adding more darker layer under the enamel (dental).

many kinds of medicines have bad affection on teeth like high blood pressure, antibiotics for children through teeth forming can affect them when getting older , Chemotherapy ,head and neck treatment may also yellowing teeth .

There Are Some Side Effects Of Teeth Whitening?

Using teeth whiteners frequently may experience tooth sensitivity. That happens if the whitener content  gets through the soft layer of dentin and disturbs the nerve of your tooth. But it is provisional. Treatment can be delayed, then try again.

Overuse of whitening methods can also harm the tooth gums or teeth enamel, so keep following directions and talk to your dentists regularly .

Dentists in Dubai clinic can help you whitening your teeth well .

Results of laser teeth whitening are more noticeable where higher concentrations are used,

and The patient is not required to follow a lot of  instructions.

November 26, 2017 by admin 0 Comments

How To Care Of Your Teeth After Filling?

How To Care Of Your Teeth After Filling?

Your dentist is the only one can decide if you need dental fillings so he will use different methods to know if you have tooth decay (caries), including:
•Visual Examination—stains or discolored spots on your teeth can be a main cause of decay
Dentists in Dubai can decide if this decay is important and need filling or not .
•X-rays — Dentist may need to use X-rays to show hard decay or damage in the tooth.
•Dentist often use X-rays to show the hard limitation and decay and activities.
•Using Laser to detect cavity —Laser is especially useful for pit and fissure areas on the top surfaces of your chewing teeth.
Decay is not the only reason for fillings.
Some reasons of filling :
•Teeth have fractures or Cracks.
•Unusual using of tooth, such as:
2.Tooth grinding .
3.Using your teeth to open things.
Steps to a Filling
When you visit dental clinic in Dubai for filling ,Dubai dentists will give you an anesthetic.
Next, the dentist will use a drill to remove decay from the tooth in order to clean it.
They also can use laser to remove decay.
After removing decay, the dentist will prepare the space for installing the filling.
Fillings have different types so need different procedures to ensure that they will harden in its place.
Dentist in Dubai may put some materials to protect the tooth’s pulp.
Fluoride is a main content in Some of these materials to protect the tooth from long time decay.
Before placing the filling Dubai dentist will use acid gel.
He fills these material in the cavities and gaps.
The dentist also use binding material, to bond the filling to the tooth indifferent ways.
Blinded fillings can reduce the risk of decay after the filling.
Dubai dentists use special light to harden the filling into the tooth. Together with the fillings, This hardens and strengthens the material.
Finally, after placing the filling, your dentist will polish the tooth.
Instructions after Fillings :
Some people may have sensitivity from pressure, air, hot cold and sweet foods.
Some kind of fillings cause sensitivity.
-High filling is the most common reason for pain.
Dubai dentists can use different methods to reduce the height of the filling.
– The second reason of pain is very hard shock that happens only when your teeth touch.
It is caused by two metals producing an electric current in your mouth.
It would happen, for example, if you had a new filling and a metal crown at the same side of jaw one in the bottom and the other one above it .
Within one or two weeks sensitivity will decrease.
So try to keep away of anything that causes sensitivity .
If it doesn’t decrease contact your dentist’s office and ask for a visit to help decreasing it .
It’s important to keep your dentist in touch. So if you need another filling in any other time the dentist can use different materials decrease your sensitivity.

November 19, 2017 by wtadmin 0 Comments

Ordinary and Specific Suggestions for Improvement of Dental Health

The personality of every woman and man depends on the height, physical look, body language, face impression, and teeth. So, no one can deny the importance of teeth as well as their whitening. The people having great oral health look so handsome and impressive.

Today, the most people use a variety of products and techniques to keep their teeth white, healthy and good looking. However, these products always are chemically processed and toxin contained. So, you should never choose and apply any of these available solutions without consultation of an experienced dentist. However, you can follow some right suggestions and use the best homemade remedies to make your teeth white and healthy.

Focus on Regular Hygiene:
The health experts say that cautions are always better than treatments. Similarly, regular teeth hygiene is better than having oral complications and infections. The most people in the world have a common habit to clean their teeth almost once a day in the morning. In fact, the dentists
suggest some specific durations and methods of teeth hygiene. They suggest the people to use teeth brushing process almost twice to thrice a day, especially after dinner. This daily tooth cleaning habit will not only keep your gums and teeth healthy, white and glowing, but also prevent them all types of cavities and disorders. If you are punctual in brushing and cleaning your teeth, then it will help you in teeth whitening.

Avoid Fats and Carbohydrates:
It is a verified medical report that carbohydrates and high fats can damage your tooth roots and their skull. Basically, the fast foods and many other similar food items contain a higher quantity of carbohydrates and fats that are a bit dangerous for your oral health. That is why; it is necessary for you to avoid the excessive consumption of fats and carbohydrates in daily meals.

Drink Plenty of Water:
This is an amazing research in Dentistry that excessive drinking of pure water minimizes the chances of oral infections and diseases. Your gums and teeth will stay fresh, healthy and strong against the germs. The water will never let the remaining of carbohydrates, fats, and other foods stay in teeth or mouth. However, the dentists believe that fresh water will be more effective, useful and beneficial for the dental health.

Avoid Using Hot & Cool Things:
Many people are much fond of having chills and hot drinks. Definitely, both drinks in hot and cold states will react negatively and it can damage your gums. You will have sensitivity and gum bleeding problems. Once a person suffers from these complications, then he/she may experience tooth fall and serious oral disorders. Almost 83% people on the earth are fond of
taking drinks in hot and cold forms.

Don’t Take Alcohol &Tobacco:
Tobacco and alcohol are two key unhealthy products that can spoil your oral health within a few days. Basically, these products contain toxins, chemicals and many critical enzymes that highly dangerous for the gums, roots of your teeth and skull of jaws. If you become addicted to these drugs, then you will experience too fall almost over 40 years of age.

October 16, 2017 by wtadmin 0 Comments

Easy and Friendly Steps Involved in How to Hire a Dentist in Dubai

Easy and Friendly Steps Involved in How to Hire a Dentist in Dubai
This is true you will never have serious oral disorders and infections if you brush and clean your teeth regularly. However, there are many situations when the people generally experience some mouth infections that become infectious disorder and they affect the entire oral health.

In such situations, you need the best and most experienced dentists who can provide you 100% satisfaction guaranteed and risk-free oral treatments. Further, these health professionals also let the people how to maintain their dental health forever. In Dubai, there are many famous dental clinics and labs where all types of oral treatments and surgeries are provided to the patients. You need a right guide regarding when, where and how to find the top dentists for oral treatments.

Search Dentists Online:
When you are about to hire a health professional anywhere in the world, then the first step for you is to search the best experts. Usually, the people in Dubai, UAE use only online search method for finding leading dentists and dental clinics around them. Further, you should select only the dentists having their clinics near you. This will help you in approaching these dentists easily. In addition, when you are searching for the best dentists in Dubai for dental surgeries and critical treatments, then you should focus on recovery, experience, skills, and certification of the dentist.

Prefer Dentists Near You:
Of course, it matters a lot to choose and hire the dentists near your location. The most people in Dubai don’t care such types of things. Usually, they have to suffer from severe pain and health issues if they are not focusing on such elements. Anyways, you should keep your search narrow and target only experienced, certified, highly practiced and reliable dentists. Basically, almost all dental clinics and the dentists in Dubai, UAE have their own websites for the convenience of the patients. You can visit these official websites and then read about dental services, treatments, and critical surgeries. Of course, you can also take the appointments with dentists via online service.

Compare Popular Dentists:
Sometimes, the patients suffer from critical health conditions and they don’t know much where to find the best dentists. Usually, you should never get confused, while you can select the top dentists of your city or state and then compare them all to choose a right dentist in Dubai, UAE.

Basically, you should consider experience, types of dental services, treatment success rate and other important things about the dentists. Furthermore, you should check out the previous track record of these health professionals to hire a satisfactory and reliable dentist.

Ask for an Appointment:
Once you have compared top dentists for teeth whitening or any other oral treatment, then you can easily find the most appropriate dentist. In next step, you can visit selected health

professional online and discuss your dental issues or disorders through a customer support. Here, you can also take an appointment with a dentist online that is better and more reliable for the busy people. When you are taking an appointment, then you should get your turn and exact date and time to visit the dental clinic.

October 10, 2017 by wtadmin 0 Comments

Why Do the Most People Seek for the Same Day Implants in Dubai?

The implant is basically a newer technology that is awesome in results, performance, and durability. Basically, this surgical process is very useful and effective for people in a dental implant.

Usually, this process is a bit risky and complicated as it is divided into three main sessions. In the first part, the dentists thoroughly examine the patient and oral conditions. Secondly, the dentists implant a crown, denture or bridge via s surgery in the bone of the jaw. This is the most critical part of dental implant surgery. Finally, the dentists place a tooth on this implanted bridge or denture. After this, the surgery comes to an end and patients will take 4 to 5 consecutive months to get recovered completely.

Do You Need Implant on Same Day?
In the world, especially in Dubai, the most people always give importance to a quick dental implant. They generally prefer this surgery fast due to two main reasons. First, they have severe pain and irritation that keep them completely disturb in routine life. Secondly, they are suffering
from many other ailments due to a bad oral health. You must keep this in mind that your teeth play a key part to make your personality outstanding, gorgeous and perfect. That is why; the most patients seek for the top clinics and labs for the same day implants. In Dubai, there are
many well-known, professional, experienced and certified dental care clinics that are 100% suitable for implant and other oral surgeries.

Needs of Quick Dental Implant:

Oral health is responsible for balance, working, efficiency and health of rest of body parts and systems. Usually, if you are suffering from an oral injury or disorder, then you may have more chances of getting caught into a few serious health complications. Secondly, the most people in
the world are health conscious, especially in their oral health. They believe the teeth are more important for their cute smile, face impression, and overall personality. That is why; they always choose the best and most experienced dentist around them whenever they have serious oral
infections and injuries.

If you get your teeth broken or missed in some collisions, then you need to go for a dental implant. Of course, you can take an appointment with a dentist nearby you and request for the same day surgery. In Dubai, the same day treatment is becoming more common due to its endless features and benefits. You will always need to find the best and most reliable dentists for such very complicated and sensitive surgery. However, if you belong to Dubai, UAE, then you can easily locate and approach the top dental clinics for this surgical process.

The seriousness of Oral Injury:
In Dental Industry, the implant has become a significant as well as challenging surgery. If you choose a less experienced dentist for this surgical treatment, then you may suffer from many side effects and complications. So, you should be extra careful in finding and taking appointments from the best dentists for the implant. Further, you should use an online search to locate all available experienced dentists around you in Dubai, UAE and compare them all to select the best one.

Finally, you should request for the same day implant that is a bit difficult, but some of the dental clinics manage this quick surgery for serious patients.

August 28, 2017 by wtadmin 0 Comments

Why Is the Veneer Treatment in Dubai Becoming Increasingly Popular?

Why Is the Veneer Treatment in Dubai Becoming Increasingly Popular?

It is believed that the health industry in the Middle East was not enough developed and effective in the last two decades. In fact, this perception is totally wrong because there are many historical health reforms in the Middle East. Dubai, UAE is known as the leading Middle East city with its
excellent health services and fast growing industry.

Anyways, if you go through the introduction of Veneer in Dubai, then you will find it a trendy fashion because the people in this city are more health conscious. Fundamentally, a veneer is a type of material alike in shape and design of a tooth and it is wrapped around the tooth to protect its surface from damages. That is why; it is becoming rapidly famous among the people across Dubai, UAE.

Oral Care in Dubai:

Dubai, UAE has become a hub in the world where the people are more popular for their unique and amazing lifestyle. Usually, the health industry in Dubai has been developing consistently for last a couple of decades. In the present, there are many valuable and high-quality oral care centers throughout Dubai where the dentistry services are easily affordable with satisfaction guaranteed quality. However, the people have got more awareness of oral care and they use a variety of methods to keep their teeth white, healthy and free of all types of damages. For this,
they generally use the Veneers that not only protect the teeth from damages but also prevent unhealthy bacteria and contamination away.
Dental Industry of Dubai:
Dubai, UAE is considered as a big and famous city where they people are healthier and fitter than other Middle East States and Cities. Usually, the UAE government has been spending a lion share of the annual budget on basic facilities in which the health is more important. In general, the oral health of people in Dubai, UAE is amazing, unique and unbeatable. Further, the people in Dubai are always popular for taking a Snap on smile due to the white and very impressive teeth with zero cavities.

Veneer Treatment:
Undoubtedly, the Dental services in Dubai are extremely popular for many qualities and specific features. Usually, the most people prefer Dubai oral care industry that is modern, unique, affordable and highly reliable. In these days, almost 63% people in this city believe in veneer treatment that is an additional safety layer for them to prevent their teeth from damages, chill and hot. Secondly, the whitening of teeth due to this treatment remains completely stable; even you eat and drink different things.

Why Is This Good?
A top and popular Dentist in Dubai always has so many questions about the oral surgeries, placement of veneers and other similar dental services. Actually, this type of treatment is very effective for those who love their smile, but they are strongly addicted to alcohol, tobacco, and other things. Further, this type of a mild surgery will make your smile lasting and health of your teeth permanent. The veneers are very reliable additional safety layers that cover your teeth from top to bottom with a highly potent and fully resisting material.

The Effectiveness of Veneer Treatment in Dubai:
Sure, you can use veneer to make your smile cute, attractive and impressive. The most people in Dubai seeks for some types of veneer surgeries that help them to get and maintain a Hollywood Smile with glowing teeth and lasting freshness.

August 12, 2017 by wtadmin 0 Comments

10 Advices for dental care during the pregnancy period

So, we recommend that, if you intend to take decision for a new pregnancy, you have to visit your dentist in order to clean and check your teeth and your gums by a careful way and be sure to treat any health problems suffering your mouth and your teeth.

If you are pregnant now, you must have many questions about your teeth and mouth care such as, can I visit my dentist during my pregnancy period?, if I can, what is the suitable time to do that? , can my dentist fill my teeth? , can I subject to radiation in my teeth during my pregnancy period? and more questions we will answer to it in this article advises to keep your teeth and mouth healthy during your pregnancy period:

1- As a precautionary measure, we recommend avoiding any dental treatment during the first trimester and the second half of the third and final trimester of pregnancy period, because these are critical times for fetus growing.

That’s prudent to avoid being exposed to anything that can affect your fetus’s growth in any way. But for the routine care of your teeth, you can visit your dentist in the second trimester of pregnancy period.
2- Don’t be careless about your teeth healthy by anyway, which you can do that in the second trimester of pregnancy period, as we mentioned before. Because, when you are in pregnancy period, you will be more suffered from gum diseases and gingivitis during the pregnancy period.
So, the pregnant has to follow up her gums well, and if she notices any swelling or bleeding in her gums, she should visit her dentist.
If there is no suitable time to do that, she should visit her dentist after childbirth as soon as possible.

3- If the pregnant visits her dentist, she should tell him she is pregnant, also she should tell him about all her medications she takes during her pregnancy period, including vitamins, which may affect her dentist’s treatment plan.

4- If you are pregnant and suffering from morning sickness, especially during the first trimester of the pregnancy period, and this prevents you from washing your teeth, you have to change your toothpaste to another kind of toothpaste with more nice test for you, and also you should use your mouthwash, in the case of you suffering from frequent vomiting.
5- You have to follow healthy food system includes all kinds of dairy products in order to grow your teeth and gums and bones.

Also, the good and healthy food system has a positive effect on your fetus ‘s teeth, gums and bones growth which begins to grow during pregnancy.
That is common during the pregnancy the pregnant desires to eat the sweet and sugary foods, which increases the chances of tooth decay.
So, you should reduce it by anyway. There are recent studies shown that bacteria responsible for tooth decay can pass to the fetus through her mother, so you should pay attention to what you eat during your pregnancy period.

6- You should avoid subjecting to X-ray on your teeth during the pregnancy period, which can harm you and your fetus by a negatively way.

7- You can allow to fill your teeth and install crowns during the pregnancy period in order to prevent infection, but we recommend you to do that in the second trimester of pregnancy period, also postpone any other cosmetics’ procedures else after childbirth, such as teeth whitening.

8- In an emergency, you may be exposed to it.
If a drug is needed, it should be as small as possible, as the drug can be passed through the placenta to the fetus.

9- In some cases, the dentist recommends the antibiotic to prevent and treat infection, but you your dentist should prescribe a safe antibiotic during pregnancy, such as amoxicillin.

10- If you need to visit your dentist during the pregnancy period, you have to keep your blood cycle while sitting on the dentist chair by making your legs straight and do not place one leg above the other.
You can also use a pillow to make your posture more comfortable.

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