
Category: Dental Implants

at AMDC dental implants are an option If you have missing teeth
July 18, 2016 by admin 0 Comments

Dental Implant Surgery

Dental implant is a pioneering medical invention to replace fallen teeth. Its many decades of practice have proven it to be one of the most successful dental surgeries available. It is an ingenious invention that closely replicates all the functions which you expect from a natural tooth. Because of a process known as Osseo integration, the metallic implant becomes fused together with the natural bone tissue. This is what lends the dental implant its reputation for durability. Once the dental implant procedure is completed, there is no need for the patient to correct the problem ever again. It is a permanent solution. This is in stark contrast to alternatives such as bridges and dentures which need to be intermittently replaced.

There are many dental implant procedures available and to find out which one you are the most comfortable with you will need to consult a dental surgeon. Looking at the individual characteristics of your problem, the doctor will be able to recommend the most suitable dental implant type for you. The dental team will inspect your x rays and other medical diagnostics to find out exact health condition that you pose. 3D imaging will be done to plan the procedure beforehand and to craft the perfect dental implant suited to the uniqueness of your mouth. You can converse with the dental team about the medication that you will have to take during the process. To make sure that you are at complete ease during the whole procedure.

After you have given the green light to the procedure, the dental implant operation can take place. In the first stage the dental surgeon will insert the metallic implant using a screw to the place your tooth used to be. After a nominal period of healing, an abutment will be attached on top of the implant. This will act as the link between the implant and the artificial tooth. After a period of 2-4 months, depending on the healing condition of your body, the crown which is the artificial tooth will be fixed by the dentist. This crown will be made so as to fit in perfectly with the rest of your natural teeth. You will not be able to tell the difference because it will be crafted perfectly. After the crown is attached, your dental implant procedure is effectively over and you have a structure of permanence in your mouth.

About American Medical and Dental Center (AMDC)

AMDC is a dedicated dental implant clinic with the best resources in Dubai for conducting dental implant surgeries. Based in both Dubai and the United States. It is known throughout the Middle East as a pioneering dental clinic for dental implant surgeries. The doctors and surgeons at AMDC are highly experienced and skilled. Having international experience and qualifications from leading medical institutions in the world. Furthermore, the clinic is equipped with the most advanced dental equipment and software available enabling the dental implant to be perfectly customised for the patient’s needs.

July 8, 2016 by admin 0 Comments

Important Dental Implant Advice

The dental implant surgery is one of the most transformative surgeries in the dental field. It has some of the best outcomes in the dental field. However, patients should make sure that they follow appropriate post-surgical care procedures. This is especially important in the first month of the surgery, when the dental implant is fusing with the natural bone tissue in the jaw. This healing process is crucial to the determining the success of the surgery. A most important requirement is that you do not disturb the wound that has been created due to the result of the surgery. In effect, you should avoid spitting and rinsing the mouth for the first 24 hours after the surgery. Better avoid touching the mouth altogether during this period.

There are other important general instructions which should be followed in order to ensure a successful outcome.

All the relevant anti infection medicine should be taken by the patient. This means that the patient should ensure that they take the prescribed antibiotics at the time duration specified by the surgeon. Additionally, it can be recommended that 24 hours after the surgery the patient can orally rinse his or her mouth, twice daily using a prescribed oral rinse. The doctor might also recommend a saltwater rinse multiple times a day.

Initially, in the first 24 hours of the surgery some amount of blood in patient’s saliva is accepted. Bleeding can be reduced by biting on gauze pads. These standardize pressure and help bleeding to reduce.

In relation to pain, the doctor will prescribe you with the relevant pain killers that will help to counter the pain as soon as the sedative wears off.
In terms of diet, it is recommended that soft foods should be taken by the patient. The patient can resume with the normal means as soon as the doctor recommends them to do so.

Being clean and hygienic is essential for the dental implants to be healed completely. This means that the site where the surgery has taken place should be sanitised regularly. Along with the oral rinses, brushing your teeth (not the implant) will help in keeping your mouth clean.

After any surgery a certain amount of swelling will result. In order to reduce swelling you can use ice as well as trying to keep your level of engagement low.
With dental implant surgery, it is important that you have adequate protection in the night. This means wearing prosthesis for a specified number of days, usually 10.
An important precaution in dental implant surgeries is that, if you are a smoker you should refrain from smoking for at least a period of 2 weeks after the surgery has been conducted. Failure to do so could mean the implant not integrating with bone tissue. Meaning a failure of the operation.

June 26, 2016 by admin 0 Comments

Falsehood About Dental Implants

The myth that dental implants are painful.

This is an erroneous assumption. Countless dental implant surgeries done over many decades shows that dental implant patients have conclusively stated that the pain is not as much as they have expected. In fact, the degree of pain that will be experienced will depend on three factors. What is your exact situation, how is quickly does your body normally heal and the skill and experience level of your implant doctor?

It is also should be stated that pain should not be taken as a litmus test to have the procedure or not. Doctors will give the relevant pain prescriptions to the patients in order to ensure that they do not suffer discomfort. Results have proven, over many years, that these pain medications can make the dental implant operation a much less discomforting one.

The myth that dental implants are expensive

This is one of the most common falsehoods. Dental implants are very similar in cost to a bridge. Given that dental implants are a solution which will last a lifetime, it can be confidently stated that the value proposition of having a dental implant procedure is much more than any of the other alternatives. A ridge for instance will have to be replaced every decade or so, with dental implants once the procedure is completed there is no need for re implantation to ever occur. This is of course not discounting the deleterious impact which dentures and bridges have your other natural teeth. They might end up getting effected and might have to be replaced, escalating the long term cost.

The myth that the dental implantation process takes a long time

This is a complete falsehood. The overall implantation process takes anywhere between 2-4 months. Having access to advanced 3D software to customise and plan the implantation process can reduce the implantation time even further. In comparison, bridges and dentures take weeks. The dental team has to regularly monitor the condition of bridges and dentures and the patients would inevitably have to replace them at intermittent points in time. This is of course not discounting the regular dental visits that the patients have to go through. All of this is avoidable with dental implants.

About American Medical and Dental Center

AMDC is a dedicated dental implant clinic with the best resources in Dubai for conducting dental implant surgeries. It is known throughout the Middle East as a pioneering dental clinic for dental implant surgeries. The doctors and surgeons at AMDC are highly experienced and skilled. Having international experience and qualifications from leading medical institutions in the world. Furthermore, the clinic is equipped with the most advanced dental equipment and software available enabling the dental implant to be perfectly customised for the patient’s needs.

June 12, 2016 by admin 0 Comments

Dental Implants and Dubai

Dubai is one of the world’s greatest cities. Home to millions of people and thousands of businesses. It has become one of the worlds engines of economic growth and multi culturalism. Hundreds of thousands come to Dubai from all corners of the world to make their money and succeed in business in Dubai. Therefore, the people in this city thrive on connecting and making the deals that are needed to help them prosper. Looking good and being confident is a vital part of their persona. They cannot afford to make any mistakes. In this environment, a dental innovation known as dental implants can help the movers and shakers of Dubai greatly.

Dental implants are rightly recognised as one of the world’s great dental if not medical inventions. First invented by a Swedish doctor in Sweden in the 1950’s, they have since their acceptance come to be used by millions of people all around the world. Repeated surveys show that the people who have had these procedures are greatly satisfied by the outcomes. Meaning that it has achieved all of those goals which the patients wanted to be achieved from the surgery. The greatness of the procedure lies in the fact that they are permanent. Not many medical innovations are able to permanently solve the concerned problems, but dental implants are quite the reverse. They are able to completely address all the problems in a permanent fashion. Something which very few medical innovations have been able to do.

A very important thing which dental implants are able to do, is by making your smile look better. Many people are plagued with smiles that are not attractive. Research has shown that having a good smile is a first step in convincing a person, whom you want convinced, or accomplishing a task. Dental implants can help you to have that great smile that helps you do business in Dubai. If you have teeth which are not straight, then the dental implant surgeon can craft artificial permanent teeth for you that will make you have a better smile and make you look more attractive.
Therefore, a growing Dubai needs dental implants.

About American Medical and Dental Center
The doctors at American Medical and Dental Center (AMDC) are some of the most experienced and skilled dental surgeons when it comes to dental implants. The dentists at AMDC are internationally experienced dentists who have been involved in the development of dental innovation worldwide. They bring their expertise to the benefit of the people of Dubai.
They will prepare a customised plan for every patient to ensure that the dental implant has perfect chance of success. Using the advanced equipment and software at their disposal in the clinic, the dental practitioners can craft the perfect porcelain veneer for your teeth. Furthermore, the staff in the clinic are trained to provide comfort to the patient. They can speak several languages reflecting the multi ethnic character of the city

June 1, 2016 by admin 0 Comments

Dental Implant Procedure

Millions of people all around the world use dental implants. It is one of the most popular dental innovations to be found. It was first invented in the most unlikely of places – Sweden by an unknown young doctor by the name of Branemark. At first, his invention did not win any admirers. Almost all of the peers in the dental fraternity roundly criticised his invention and openly called into question the claims of the invention. But contrary to their rumours and disbelief, the dental implants invented by Branemark were a true game changer in dental medicine.

The singular greatness of the dental procedure lies in the fact that it is a permanent procedure. Due to the medical phenomenon known as Osseo integration, the metallic dental implant fuses together with the natural bone tissue present in the jaw. This is what creates the structure of permanence. Due to this feature, dental implants are able to perfectly replicate all the functionality of a natural tooth. A user of dental implants will be able use the dental implants and see no perceptible difference between it and his or her natural teeth.

To get dental implants, you would first need to diagnosed by a dental surgeon. He will see whether you are suitable for a dental implantation. Disqualifying factors are that you are a very heavy smoker or your density is very weak. If the dental team gives the green light, you can go ahead with the surgery. Before the procedure is conducted, the surgeon using 3D software will craft the perfect dental implant for you. On the day of the surgery, this metallic implant will be inserted on to where the fallen tooth stood. Sedatives will be used. After a few weeks, the dental implant surgeon will check whether the implant has healed and has integrated with the jawbone. If it has done so, then the crucial part of the procedure is over. Next, an abutment will be fixed. This will act as the link between the implant and the artificial tooth. After this the crown/artificial tooth will be fixed and the procedure will come to a close.

About American Medical and Dental Center
The doctors at American Medical and Dental Center (AMDC) are some of the most experienced and skilled dental surgeons when it comes to dental implants. The dentists at AMDC are internationally experienced dentists who have been involved in the development of dental innovation worldwide. They bring their expertise to the benefit of the people of Dubai.
They will prepare a customised plan for every patient to ensure that the dental implant has perfect chance of success. Using the advanced equipment and software at their disposal in the clinic, the dental practitioners can craft the perfect porcelain veneer for your teeth. Furthermore, the staff in the clinic are trained to provide comfort to the patient. They can speak several languages reflecting the multi ethnic character of the city.

May 25, 2016 by admin 0 Comments

Dental Implants are a great solution

First invented in Sweden in the mid 1950’s dental implants have turned out to be one of the greatest dental innovations of our time. The impact of this discovery was not at all realised during that time and in fact, the inventor was scorned and littered with derision for his unrealistic invention. But time and ingenuity on the part of the inventor proved everyone wrong and millions of people have benefited from this great invention. So what makes dental implants so GREAT? We list out a two of the benefits that make them so advantageous to the people who need them.

First of all, dental implants solve a serious problem. When a person loses a natural tooth, then the person will constantly suffer from all the problems that beget such issues. There will be an infestation of bacteria surrounding the place where the tooth fell. Furthermore, the gums will start to get damaged in other parts of the mouth, if the issue is not treated. These health issues will cause much trouble to the patient if they are not treated. It will become difficult to do the everyday things in life such as even eating and speaking. Pain and general discomfort will become serious factors. This can be solved by dental implants. Dental implants are a permanent procedure. Due to the process known as Osseo integration, the dental implant fuses together with the natural bone tissue, creating a very strong and durable structure. This makes it a perfect and excellent artificial replacement to the natural tooth. All of the above issues can be easily eradicated through the use of dental implants. Patients do not have to worry anymore of these medical issues.

Secondly, dental implants help to improve an individual’s life through psychological means as well. A disabling effect which happens when a person loses his or her teeth is that they are a set back to their confidence. They will be unable to smile, eat or do those things which they expect freely. Temporarily alternatives such as dentures will not solve the problem. Dental implants, being a permanent solution can completely restore the natural balance that existed.

About American Medical and Dental Center

The doctors at American Medical and Dental Center (AMDC) are some of the most experienced and skilled dental surgeons when it comes to dental implants. The dentists at AMDC are internationally experienced dentists who have been involved in the development of dental innovation worldwide. They bring their expertise to the benefit of the people of Dubai.

They will prepare a customised plan for every patient to ensure that the dental implant has perfect chance of success. Using the advanced equipment and software at their disposal in the clinic, the dental practitioners can craft the perfect porcelain veneer for your teeth. Furthermore, the staff in the clinic are trained to provide comfort to the patient. They can speak several languages reflecting the multi ethnic character of the city.

May 11, 2016 by admin 0 Comments

Factors in Dental Implants

Looking better post-surgery
When a person loses a tooth, he or she might look inevitably more aged. This is because they can lose the entire tooth which comprises of both the crown and the root. The root is the part of the tooth which provides support to the crown. Losing the root would mean instability in the jawbone making your face appear much older. A great way to stop this age related problem is through the use of dental implants. The ability of the dental implant to replace the entire tooth including both the crown and the root enables there to be a very good replacement for natural teeth.

Comfort is key to dental implants
It is well known that alternatives to treat issues of missing teeth such as dentures can cause problems associated with pain. These are temporary solutions that depend on the structure of jawbones. Since, jawbone experience changes, the dentures will cause pain due to the resulting changes of the jawbone. This pain might increase due to damaged gum tissue. In the end all adding to discomfort. In contrast, dental implants do not have this problem because they are perfect replacements to natural teeth. They integrate perfectly with the jaw bone creating a permanent structure. The secure structure eliminates the issue of gum damage therefore there is no question of discomfort to the wearer.

An excellent return on investment
In the long run dental implants provide the best value to patients. Initially, the procedure might be more expensive than other treatment methods. However, given that alternatives such as dentures and bridges require regular adjustments and screening by doctors, dental implants are far superior. Therefore, it can be safely said that dental implants provide the best value on investment to the patient.

With dental implants your speech becomes better
It is well known that dental implants enable better speech than with dentures. Dentures can slip in your mouth causing impairment to your speech. This could cause effects such as slurred speech. The resulting impact could be very well an impact to your confidence. Since, dental implants are permanent structures that closely resemble natural teeth, you will not face this problem.

Greater confidence
It goes without saying that the greatest beneficiary for patients from dental implant is the positive impact that it has on confidence and self-esteem. The many health problems that are a result of missing teeth can be completely cured through the use of dental implants. Therefore, you can be free of your worries and act as natural as you were before. This without a doubt helps you to regain that confidence that you lost.

About American Medical and Dental Center (AMDC)

AMDC is a dedicated dental implant clinic with the best resources in Dubai for conducting dental implant surgeries. Based in both Dubai and the United States. It is known throughout the Middle East as a pioneering dental clinic for dental implant surgeries. The doctors and surgeons at AMDC are highly experienced and skilled. Having international experience and qualifications from leading medical institutions in the world. Furthermore, the clinic is equipped with the most advanced dental equipment and software available enabling the dental implant to be perfectly customised for the patient’s needs.

May 1, 2016 by admin 0 Comments

Dental Implants Have Transformed Lives

In the mid 1950’s in the country of Sweden, a medical doctor was experimenting with inserting metal on rabbit bone. What happened next, surprised him and brought about a medical revolution. He noticed that over a period of time, the metal fused together with the bone to create a lasting bond. It was a sturdy structure. This medical phenomenon came to be known as Osseo integration. It was realised by the inventor that metallic implants can be used as successful replacements to natural teeth. Thus, dental implants were born.

Dental implants are great medical devices in solving the problems posed by missing teeth. They can be crafted to fit perfectly with the jawbone. Furthermore, they can be made to enhance the smile of the wearer. All of this brings about more confidence in the wearer. Only the wearer knows what a loss of confidence he or she suffers when they have to smile when the teeth is broken. They could be the subject of much social embarrassment. It could have a negative impact on their motivation and their social stature. Basically, not a good place to be in. Your dental implants in Dubai solves all those above mentioned problems. In fact, it does more, medical issues that are known to exist when natural teeth fall can be cured through dental implants. There will no longer be gum diseases or bone degeneration in the jaw. You will also be spared from visiting the dentist all the time due to the issues that can erupt due to fallen teeth. In fact, once the dental implant operation is done you will only need to visit intermittently to check up on the health of the dental implants.

The ability of the dental implants to solve the issues it was created for is demonstrated by its statistics. Since, the 1960’s millions of people all around the world have had dental implant procedures. Surveys show that the overwhelmingly majority of them have attested to being very satisfied as to the outcomes of the procedure. In fact, failures among dental implant procedures are extremely rare and the probability of failure can be eliminated altogether if the services of skilled and experienced surgeon are used. That is the testament to the success of dental implants and why people in Dubai stand to benefit if they use dental implants to boost their smiles and confidence.
The best clinic in Dubai to have the dental implant procedure is American Medical and Dental Center (AMDC). AMDC is a dedicated dental implant clinic with the best resources in Dubai for conducting dental implant surgeries. Based in both Dubai and the United States. It is known throughout the Middle East as a pioneering dental clinic for dental implant surgeries. The doctors and surgeons at AMDC are highly experienced and skilled. Having international experience and qualifications from leading medical institutions in the world. Furthermore, the clinic is equipped with the most advanced dental equipment and software available enabling the dental implant to be perfectly customised for the patient’s needs.

April 24, 2016 by admin 0 Comments

Get Dental Implants in Dubai

It’s a busy competitive world we live in. In this 24 by 7 world one cannot afford mistakes or slips. Everything has to be fast paced in order to suit the needs of the world. The whole globe is interconnected and business is transacted at real time speed. In this mega connected environment even the smallest things get noticed. Differentiation is key for the people who live in it. People need to look good and feel positive and motivated. This is essential in order to network and be highly productive. This is the business environment which prevails in a global city like Dubai. A mega metropolis it is the center for thousands of global businesses and millions of skilled expatriate workers. The people of Dubai cannot afford any mistakes, they need to look good and deliver their outcomes to beat the global competition.

If anyone in Dubai suffers from missing teeth issues, they need to get dental implants in Dubai.  This medical device is proven worldwide for solving missing teeth issues. Dental implants are a great replacement to natural teeth. Due to the medical process known as Osseo integration they are permanent in nature. In fact, it has been proven that dental implants can outlast natural teeth. Given that your dental implant in Dubai can be sculpted to your needed perfect requirement. It can enhance the cosmetic nature of your teeth. Making sure that your smile looks great.

Furthermore, your dental implant in Dubai can solve a whole host of medical problems that can erupt if you do not replace your fallen teeth. Issues such as bone deterioration and gum damage can happen if the problem is not solved, leading to more misery for the person. All these issues can be sorted by the dental implant. Also, putting the dental implant does not mean that you will have to visit the dentist frequently and waste time in the process. Once the surgery is complete you will only have to intermittently visit the dentist in order to do check-ups and fix the artificial teeth. Therefore, undergoing the procedure for dental implant in Dubai can actually save you more time from visiting the dentists.

So where in Dubai should you get your dental implant done. You should choose the dental clinic that has the relevant experience and expertise. The American Medical Dental Center is such a dental clinic.

AMDC is a dedicated dental implant clinic with the best resources in Dubai for conducting dental implant surgeries. Based in both Dubai and the United States. It is known throughout the Middle East as a pioneering dental clinic for dental implant surgeries. The doctors and surgeons at AMDC are highly experienced and skilled. Having international experience and qualifications from leading medical institutions in the world. Furthermore, the clinic is equipped with the most advanced dental equipment and software available enabling the dental implant to be perfectly customised for the patient’s needs.

April 17, 2016 by admin 0 Comments

The Dental Implants in Dubai

Many people have the problem of sorting out missing teeth issues. These include the many litany problems that can crop up if you are unlucky to suffer from the above. Contrary to hearsay, it is not just old people that suffer from missing teeth, but the young as well. In fact, it has been found that the young suffer from more problems than the old if they have missing teeth. This is mostly related to the loss of confidence and thereby the loss of productivity.

So therefore it makes sense for anyone to go for a permanent solution. That is get your dental implants in Dubai. Dental implants are a pioneering dental innovation invented by a Swedish doctor in the mid 1950’s. This medical breakthrough solved the problem of replacement of natural teeth by using a medical phenomenon known as Osseo integration. This happens when the metal implant naturally infuses with the natural bone tissue in the jaw creating a permanent structure. This is the reason why your dental implant in Dubai is known as a reliable solution to the problem of missing teeth.

To get dental implants in Dubai you can of course get them conducted in any of the many dental clinics that offer them. However, it is important to get these dental services from the best. Dental implant operations are complex and require the services of a skilled and experienced surgeon. It should not be done by amateur surgeons who don’t have the requisite experience. Additionally, the dental implant requires customisation to the patient’s requirements. This requires that the dental clinic has the requisite software and equipment capabilities to make that customisation. This is very important since ultimately the patient must feel at ease with the new dental implant and it be a perfect replacement to their natural teeth. There should be no future problems erupting from the implant. In such a scenario the dental implant operation can be considered as a failure and it might have to be removed, causing injury both physical as well as mental to the patient. Something that could have been avoided if the patient had done the surgery in a clinic with the required advanced modern care.

So which dental clinic in Dubai should people who want dental implants go to? They need not look further than American Medical and Dental Center (AMDC)
AMDC is a dedicated dental implant clinic with the best resources in Dubai for conducting dental implant surgeries. Based in both Dubai and the United States. It is known throughout the Middle East as a pioneering dental clinic for dental implant surgeries. The doctors and surgeons at AMDC are highly experienced and skilled. Having international experience and qualifications from leading medical institutions in the world. Furthermore, the clinic is equipped with the most advanced dental equipment and software available enabling the dental implant to be perfectly customised for the patients needs.

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